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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин


3.— Is that all you need? — No, I want... as well.


4.— Have you got what you need? — Yes, thanks, I don't need


5.Why does Louisa always go around with Anna? — Because she doesn't know....


6.— Why do you always come here? — Because there's ... to go.


7.— Why does she always wear the same dress? — Perhaps it is because she doesn't have ... to wear.


8.— If you don't want it, I'll give it to ... .


9.— Why do you always have your hair cut at Tony's? — ... cuts it as well as he does.

b. Complete these sentences with one of the possessive forms some, any, no, every + /body's or body else's according to the meaning of the sentence.

10.He took ... book by mistake.

11.It wasn't... fault. It was just an accident.

12.She knows ... secrets.

13.It's ... business what I do in my private life.

14.Soon, ... patience was exhausted.

15.Why does ... garden always look tidier than mine?

16.It was ... fault. I am the one to blame.

17.Because his own bike had a flat tyre, he simply took ... .

62. Join the two parts of these sentences. Put in whom only when it is necessary.

1.We need someone

2.I'm looking for a man

knows about statistics.

3.They are pop group

I can do business with.

4.Have you seen the girl

you do not hear very often.

5.She is the last person

usually sits here?

6.I am talking to those of you

you would tell!

7.What about the ones

have actually experienced

8.Do you know the girl


9.These are the sorts of people

cannot fight for

10.He is the kind of man



11.Do you know anyone

I was with the other night?

12.He is the only one

the company should employ.

really knows what is going on.

can play as well as he can. the men

will listen to any more.

63. Join these sentences by adding a suitable relative pronoun. Make necessary changes.

e. g. I'd like to buy a tie. It will match my suit.

= I'd like to buy a tie which/ that would match my suit.

This is my sister. She lives in Birmingham.

= This is my sister, who lives in Birmingham.

1. I went to see her flat. She lived in it when she was a student.

2.I went to see the flat. She lived in it when she was a student.

3Come and meet the friends. I told you about them.

4.Come and meet my friends. You know most of them.

5.This is the Director. He founded the company.

6..There are several directors. This is the director. He founded the company.

7..What we really need is a dam. It would be big enough to supply the whole area with power.

8..I have the photo of the Kariba dam. It supplies the whole area with power,

9..I'd like to introduce Mr. Bridge. I used to work with him.

10..Can that be the Mr. Bridge? I used to work with him.

11,I have to study mathematics. I do not enjoy it.

12.Statistics is the one part of maths. I do not enjoy it.

64. Complete the sentences using the pronouns "what" or "that".

1. Things will get better soon. ... is ... tomorrows are for!

2.Is you really mean?

3.I greatly doubt...............you say is true.

4.He did ... he could. Everyone can say ... .

5.Mother is absolutely sure..................you've chosen as your career is