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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

чувствую, пожалуй, я пойду прилягу. 10. Я не люблю смотреть вниз с большой высоты, у меня кружится голова. 11. Лучше

запишите мой адрес в записную книжку, вы можете потерять этот листок бумаги. 12. Большая часть города оказалась под

водой. 13. Мальчик лет пяти сидел за партой один. 14. Многие писатели публикуют свои произведения под вымышленными

именами. 15. Студенты проводили эксперимент под руководством профессора.



Topical Vocabulary

1. Natural resources and attractions: minerals, (fresh) water- supplies (reservoirs), floods, rainfalls, vegetation, greenery,

wood- land(s), forestry, wildlife, animal kingdoms (population), flora and fauna, arable land (soil), cultivated land, open land, "green"

belts, recreation areas, coastal areas, country (national) parks, clear landscapes, public open spaces.

2. Environment and man: to link man to nature, to adapt to environment, to be preoccupied with economic growth, unrestricted

industrialization, the sprawl of large-built areas, industrial zoning, to upset the biological balance, to abuse nature, to disfigure (litter)

the landscape, ecology, ecosystem, to be environment-conscious, to be environment-educated.

3. Environmental destruction and pollution: land pollution, derelict land, industrial wastes, the by-products of massive indus-

trialization, to dump waste materials on land, extensive use of agrochemicals, the denudation of soil, the toxic fall-outs of ma terials,

water pollution, a dropping water level, to face the freshwater supply problem, depletion of water resources, the disruption of water

cycle, marine pollution, oil spillage, air (atmospheric) pollution, the air pollution index, to produce foul air, to exhaust toxic gases (fuel),

combustion of fuel, concentrations of smoke in the air, dust content in the air, radiation, high (low) radioactivity, to store (disperse)

radioactive wastes, noise offenders (pollutants), merciless killing of animals, destruction (if animal habitats.

4. Nature conservation and environment protection: a global imperative for environment, global environmental security, to pre-

serve ecosystems, to create disaster-prevention programmes, to harmonize industry and community, plants and people, conservation

movement, to preserve woodlands, to protect and reproduce animal (fish, bird) reserves, to fight pollution, to install antipollution

equipment, to minimize noise disturbance, to reduce pollution, to dispose garbage (litter, wastes) in designated areas.

1. Read the following text for obtaining its information.

Environmental Protection — Nationwide Concern

As a highly industrialized state Britain cannot ignore the problem of environmental protection. The practical results of the state

policy in environmental protection include the development of technology to control atmospheric (air) and water pollution, agricultural

pollution control, the study of man's influence on the climate, the forecasting of earthquakes and tsunamis, the biological and genetic