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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

wonder! 1 5 . Wonders will never cease! 1 6 . I t ' s doing wonders for me!

9.Make up and act out dialogues on the suggested topics using the given words and word combinations:

1. A young couple discussing whether they could afford buying a car. (to put aside (money), to go on a trip, to be like nothing else

on earth, to have a good rest, to put smth. out of one's mind, a restful life, to put smb. to expenses, to put off)

2. Two friends have lost their way in the forest, (to follow a track through the forest, according to, to strike smb. as, to look like, the

outline(s) of, to wonder, to hurt smb., to go lame, to show smb. the way, to stretch oneself)

3. Two tenth-form pupils are discussing what institute to enter, (a bent for, to be aware of, to wonder at, to put smth. out of one's


4. Two friends on a tramp discussing the landscape, (to be conscious of, a rough day, to have an eye for, to wonder at, to break

into flower)

10.Make up and practise short situations using the following words and word combinations:

1.rough sea; to put out; to catch hold of smth.; to limp

2.to keep an eye on; lame excuse; to put on; to hold smth. back

3.to cover up one's tracks; with an eye to; to wonder at; to run one's eyes over

4.rough day; to follow the tracks of; at a stretch; to be outlined against

11.Find in Text Eight and write out phrases in which the prepositions or adverbs 'up', 'down' are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.

12.Fill in prepositions or adverbs:

1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit ... all night with her. 2. This little stream never d r i e s . . . . 3. You have worked very well

so far; keep i t . . . . 4 . You have got the story all mixed ... . 5. The house was burnt ... before the fire-brigade came. 6. The sleeves of

my dress are too short. I must ask the tailor to let them ... an inch. 7. We can't buy that car just yet, but we are saving ... . 8 . . . .

dinner I'll wash ... . 9. Sit ... , there is plenty ... room ... everyone. 1 0 . Your coat collar is ... the back, shall I turn i t . . . ? 1 1 . Don't

stand ... a high tree during a thunderstorm, 1 2 . I can't use my office now it is . . . repair. 1 3 . I did this ... orders. 1 4 . . . . the

circumstances I will not give you any extra work. 1 5 . He is ... age and cannot be allowed to be independent.

13.Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions:

1. В пять утра я была уже на ногах и, не теряя времени, принялась за работу. 2. Повесьте ваше пальто здесь, я покажу

вам, как пройти в его комнату. 3. Я подняла носовой платок. Это не ваш? 4. Ее родите ли умерли, когда она была еще

маленькой, и ее воспитала тетя. Она ей как мать теперь. 5. Мальчик перевернул ящик вверх дном, и игрушки рассыпались по

всему полу. 6. Я не ложилась всю ночь и сейчас с ног валюсь от усталости. 7. Давайте поднимемся на этот холм, оттуда

очень красивый вид на реку. 8. Вчера мама упала с лестницы и повредила ногу. Я очень беспокоюсь о ней. 9. Я неважно себя