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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Various methods are used to store radioactive wastes, depending primarily upon their physical form and radioactivity. Wastes of

sufficiently low radioactivity are dispersed safely direct to the environment. For those of higher radioactivity a comprehensive, inter-

national research programme is being carried out with government assistance and with the participation of the nuclear industry into

methods of treatment, storage, transport and disposal.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the major environmental problems confronting Britain today? 2. What powers and duties for control authorities are set

out by the Control of Pollution Act 1 9 7 4 ? 3. What measures are taken to fight land pollution? 4. What are the main treatment

methods applied to reduce water pollution? 5. What facts prove that a certain progress has been made towards cleaner air? 6. What

operational measures have been introduced to reduce noise disturbance? 7. What operational measures have been introduced to

store radioactive wastes? 8. What do you think are the responsibilities of nature conservation authorities and voluntary organizations

in Britain? 9. Why do you think people should be concerned about protecting environment from pollution and from destruction of

natural resources?

3. Summarize the text in three paragraphs specifying the necessity of fighting environmental pollution on a wide scale.

4. Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the following questions:

1. What are the major environmental issues confronting humanity today? 2. What is the global imperative for environment as you

see i t ? 3. Why are many people concerned about ecology today? Why do we say that every man should be environment-conscious

and environment-educated? 4. On what basis should the "man-na- ture" relationship function? 5. What are the steps undertaken by the

governments (authorities) of many countries to protect environment? 6. What do you know about the practical results of the

international cooperation in environmental protection? 7. How does the state control nature conservation and environmental protection

in our country? 8. What role should mass media play in environmental protection?

5. Give a short newspaper review on one of the major issues of environmental protection. Refer to the Topical Vocabulary. Remember that your

review should appeal to the interests and attitudes of the intended reader. It can be neutral, descriptive, emotional. Choose the facts to prove your

viewpoint. Reproduce your story in class.

M o d e l :

Wild Flowers and the Law

All the protection that the law can effectively give to our wild flowers is likely to be provided by the Wild Plants Protection Bill, which

is due for its second reading in the Lords shortly. If the Bill reaches the Statute Book, as is probable, it will become an offence to sell,

offer or expose for sale any wild plant that has been picked or uprooted, and for anyone other than an authorized person wil fully to