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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

commercial route to India would bring Spain unlimited power and wealth. The task of carrying out such an expedition called for

tremendous determination, courage, and resourcefulness. Only these qualities enabled Columbus to overcome the dangers and

hardships of the voyage into the unknown. Columbus was in essence, a great man, whose broad vision, faith in his ideas, and ex-

traordinary abilities led to outstanding achievements in spite of very adverse circumstances.

D. Should people fight adverse circumstances and obstacles or should they surrender to them?

Hellen Keller was able to lead an active useful life in spite of being blind and deaf from early childhood. Such a triumph over

adversity calls for almost superhuman perseverance, courage, resourcefulness. With the help of her devoted teacher Ann Sullivan

Macy, the girl was able to overcome her crushing handicaps and make herself a figure of international renown. Other persons, struck

such a cruel blow by fate, might have chosen to withdraw from life. Not so the dauntless Helen! She travelled abroad, she championed

social and economic rights for women; she worked for world peace; she aided movements to help the unfortunate and

underprivileged. And more than anything else, by the mere example of what she was able to achieve, she gave hope and courage to

untold thousands who might otherwise have given up to despair.

17. Role-Playing.

The People We Choose

S i t u a t i o n : It's an emergency sitting of the Editorial Board of the "Teachers" Newspaper". There is a vacancy to be filled. The

newspaper needs a new correspondent to report for the paper in the "Family and School" feature. You are members of the Editorial

Board with conclusions to make about some particular applicants. The list of applicants has been rather long. After a heated

discussion only two apparently eligible people remain on it: a professional journalist who has worked for about 20 years for a

children's magazine and a former teacher of literature who has made up her mind to change occupation after having worked at a

secondary school for about 15 years. Both the applicants are mature people and know their trades. In the course of discussion

opinions differ: two members of the staff are for the journalist, two others are for the teacher.

C h a r a c t e r s :

Student A: Editor-in-Chief, presides at the sitting, a talented journalist, has spent his whole life in the paper, knows a good thing

when he sees it, doesn't show his attitude to the applicants during the discussion. In the long run he has to bring forth his decision be -

cause the opinions differ much. His opinion turns out to be reasonable, convincing and fair.

Students B, C, D, E: members of the Editorial Board, experienced journalists, enthusiasts of their paper, devoted to the problems of

upbringing and schooling, have worked together for a long period of time.