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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

They study the personal sheets and records of the applicants, make suggestions and try to formulate valid reasons why the jour-

nalist/the teacher should be employed by the paper. Such important items as professional experience, age, interests and traits of

character are taken into account. As a result of the discussion, they produce various judgements mainly connected with the personal

qualities of the applicants. Thus two members are in favour of the journalist, two others are in favour of the teacher. They point out

advantages and disadvantages of either employment, giving warnings based on personal experience where possible.

Note: The group of students is divided into two teams. Each team performs the same role play. While discussing the virtues and imperfections of

prospective reporters they show a different outlook in regard to their jobs and problems they face in life. At the end of the sitting the better applicant is


18. Group Discussion.

Give your views on the problems listed below and speak in rebuttal of your opponent.

Topic 1. What are the essential factors that help to mould a person's character?

Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Background and environment: with regard to family, friends and acquaintances.

2. Educational possibilities: with regard to schooling, further education of any type, interest in learning.

3. Cultural standards: with regard to literary, musical, artistic tastes, abilities and ambitions.

4. Circumstances: adverse and favourable.

Topic 2. What are the ways and means by which a person's character is revealed and estimated?

Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Appearance.

2. Speech characterization.

3. Manners and attitudes.

4. Likes and dislikes: with regard to people and things.

Topic 3. What is the role played by personal traits of character in choosing a profession?

Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Psychological types suitable for work in different trades.

2. Psychological tests and professional (vocational) guidance.

3. Success or failure caused by personal traits in a chosen profession.

Unit Eight


1.Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp.

They were on a hike.

We shall go on an excursion tomorrow.

I shall start on a tour next Sunday.

He will set out on a trip early in the morning.

2.According to their map they had still some seven miles to go.

We have two hours to while away. They still have a lot to do. Jane still has two exams to take. He has letters to mail.

3.Both were (as) thin as rails.

The boy is really as obstinate as a mule. She was as good as her word.

You're as sulky as a bear, what's the matter? And let me tell you he is as cross as two sticks.

4. Garton was like some primeval beast. She looked like a wild flower.

He looked like a huge bear. The cloth looks like silk.

5.Garton's hair was a kind of dark unfathomed mop.

Passing through a sort of porch...

It was a sort of box.

It was a kind of game.

We spent the night in a sort of hut.

6. Perhaps he struck her as strange

The whole affair strikes me as queer.