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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

frustration and resentment. But these are dreadful enemies you carry within yourself — in time destructive as bullets. Merci fully, a

bullet kills its victim. This other bacteria, permitted to age, does not kill a man but leaves in its wake the hulk of a creature torn and

twisted; there is still fire within his being but it is kept alive by casting upon it faggots of scorn and hate. He may successfully

accumulate, but he does not accumulate success, for he is his own enemy and is kept from truly enjoying his achievements.

3. What wasn't too appealing was the idea of using family as a crutch, and right at the outset. He couldn't bear the thought of

hearing for the rest of his life, "Of course, if was Julian gave him his state ..." But of more significance was the damage that accepting

something like this could do to his individuality. Not only would he never respect himself if he just stepped into a job and rose solely on

the basis of personal privilege, but how would he ever realize his own potential if he was going to be treated like one of those rich kids

who were just coddled up the ladder of success their whole life long?

4. It was our friend's eye that chiefly told his story,«an eye in which innocence and experience were singularly blended. It was full

of contradictory suggestions; and though it was by no means the glowing orb of a hero of romance, you could find in it almost anything

you looked for. Frigid and yet friendly, positive yet sceptical, confident yet shy, extremely intelligent and extremely good- humoured,

there was something vaguely defiant in its concessions, and something profoundly reassuring in its reserve ... Decision, salubrity,

jocosity, prosperity seem to hover within his call: he is evidently a practical m a n . . . .

14. Read the following text. Find in it arguments "for" and "against" the problem under discussion. Copy them out into two columns.

Happiness Is This Shape ...

There is a large number of intriguing conclusions contained in the study of happiness— what causes it and what doesn't — which

has just been concluded by two psychologists. They have analysed the replies of as many as 52,000 people.

The people who replied to their questionnaire were younger, better educated and more affluent than average, so their replies may

not be absolutely typical to everyone. They varied in age from 15 to 95 and their answers were so diverse that the two interviewers

believe that they have enough material to see what is related to happiness, and what isn't.

The general level of happiness of people proved the thorniest problem to assess. Some of the people answered that they had been

happy once. At the same time many were constantly thinking about happiness, weekly or daily. Can anyone really be happy when they

are thinking about it so often?

The scientists were interested in 16 aspects of people's lives and how important each was in contributing to general happiness. For

single people being happy depends on having congenial friends, a satisfying work and love life and also some sort of recognition by