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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

сочувственные слова и искреннее желание помочь. 15. Чем бы он ни был занят, он умудряется видеть все, что происходит

вокруг. 16. Я буду вас ждать, не подведите меня. 17. Пока я не могу сказать вам ничего определенного. Я наводил справки, но

потерпел неудачу. 18. Провал эксперимента не обескуражил его, он был уверен, что рано или поздно добьется успеха. 19.

Когда мы соберемся? — Давайте в понедельник в шесть. Приходите обязательно. Будем ждать.

8. Respond to the following statements and questions using the Essential Vocabulary:

1. Why did you tell Ann about it? Can't you keep your mouth shut? 2. I wonder if I should be telling you all this. 3. I'll make a

mess of the job, I'm afraid. 4. What's so funny about the story?

5. How did you manage to read all these books in two months?

6. Whatever did you go to the cinema for if you were really so pressed for time? 7. Why are you going to bed so early? 8. What's the

matter? Did I scare you? 9. But surely you ought to remember her name. 10. Why didn't she answer the question I wonder? 11. When

are we to expect you? 12. Tomorrow I'm going to Spain, for a month. 13. Why were you cross with the boy? 14. Excuse me for

bothering you. 15. You will stick to your decision, won't you? 16. Can't you give me a definite answer now? 17. I'm sorry, but I really

cannot concentrate. 18. Do sing for us, will you? 19. I hear Fred has quitted his work. What's he doing? 20. Why did you not

interfere? You might have prevented the quarrel. 21. What made John drop his studies? 22. You ought not to reproach her, she's upset

as it is. 23. Did you manage to persuade him to change his mind?

9. Make up and practise a short situation using the Essential Vocabulary:

to start on a trip; a ring at the bell; to drop in; to remind smb. of smth.; to have some difficulty in doing smth.; to hesitate to do

smth.; to sympathize with; to fail smb.; to make up one's mind

10. Make up and act out conversations using the Essential Vocabulary:

1. to be concerned about; to have not the least notion; by fits and starts; to mind one's business; from the start; to resist the

temptation; to drop the subject; that's precisely what...

2. to have a fancy for; to have a mind to; to mind smth.; I can't imagine a worse place to ... ; to be in two minds; to change one's

mind; to put into practice

11. Find in Text Seven and copy out phrases in which the prepositions (or adverbs) 'at', 'for', 'by' are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.

12. Fill in prepositions or adverbs:

1. The country was ... peace then; now it is ... war. 2. He is always ... his worst when fighting against difficulties. 3. ... first sight I

thought you were his brother. 4. You won't get anywhere by shouting ... him. 5. You can quit your work ... a fortnight's notice. 6. The

boy is very good ... football. 7. This was sold ... 4d a pound, but that was really ... a loss not... a profit. 8. ... recreation there was

boating and swimming. 9. Can't say I care ... that kind ... art myself, but there's no accounting ... tastes. 10. Don't judge a man ... his