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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

things about it all that struck me as queer. 6. Everybody was filled with concern when news came that Father was seriously ill. 7.

Laura and Linda exchanged concerned glances. 8. I knew those concerned and was eager to learn the whole story. 9. I know him well

enough to be sure that he is not concerned in the affair. 10. As practising physicians we're naturally concerned with the profes sional

standards you maintain here. 11. Andrew dropped his eyes, sympathizing, yet hardly knowing what to say. 12. Dottie remained silent,

merely watching him sympathetically. 13. Angela was oppressed by a sense of injustice, but her mother was unsympathetic. 14. His

mission was ending and he felt that he had failed. 15. My eyesight has been failing me for some time. 16. During the anec dotes he

never failed to laugh at exactly the right point. 17. The pilot could not fail to see us there on the open beach. 18. I'll expect to see you

both. Without fail. 19. He was a failure in whatever he did. 20. How do you explain his failure to come?

5. Choose the right word:

confuse — embarrass (or their derivatives)

1. Keep still for a minute, you're only ... me. Let me think. 2. I was ashamed; I was hot with ... . 3. She watched Roy so closely

that he felt ... . 4. "I don't like solicitors. They ... me," said Elsie.

5. My eyes, resting on him curiously, caused him no ... . 6. Most people who stutter are very ... about it. 7. I had better explain. I can

understand how ... you are. 8. Her eyes reflected the ... of her mind.

odd — queer

1. It was certainly an ... pair and everyone stared at them.

2. There was something ... about the way his temperature ran below normal. 3. Something woke me up. Some sound. There are so

many ... noises in London. 4. It's ... wanting to eat an ice in this weather. 5. He must have done it. He has been acting ... lately.

6. He has an ... way of walking with his feet turned in slightly.

7. The front-door bell resounded ... in the empty rooms. 8. He noticed that Crale was looking very ... , but he did not yet know how

seriously ill he was.

to be concerned in — to be concerned with — to be concerned about

1. There were rumours that Ned had once been ... something crooked. 2. I felt pretty sure that she was genuinely ... my health.

3. I am not ... the details. 4. Your vocation is quite a different one, doctor. You are ... people. 5. I am really ... you. 6. The neighbours

did not suspect that the nice-looking young man was ... the crime.

6. Give English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

доверять (верить) кому-л.; доверить (рассказать) что-л. кому-л.; пользоваться доверием; внушать доверие; быть

уверенным в успехе; отправляться на экскурсию в горы; пуститься бежать; затеять ссору; с начала до конца; с самого начала;

чувствовать смущение; сбивчивый ответ; валиться с ног от усталости; зайти к кому-л. домой; резкое понижение

температуры; быть в нерешительности; претворять в жизнь; нечетное число; 20 с лишним лет; иметь озабоченный вид;