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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

manner of one who had done a little suffering of his own accord. 17. He was sure that he would be successful this time. 18. Robert

felt that the guilt was partly his own, that he had let him down as a human being. 19. I cannot see the humour in it. 20. I don't believe

you know what lack of success is.

4. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. He had a suspicion that Stella did not take her father into her confidence. 2. You could not have imagined a more trustwor -

thy person, he enjoyed everyone's confidence. 3.1 hesitated before making the decision: the offer did not inspire confidence. 4. It

might give him confidence in himself to let him try. 5. She could always draw confindences from a heart of stone. 6. Did he know

enough of real life to speak with confidence on anything? 7. I'm a lawyer. A client's communications are confidential. 8. She rose and

silently started for the exit door. 9. When he returned to London,-he started a little restaurant in Soho. 10. The untidy room of the

first-floor in Baker Street had been the starting-point of many remarkable adventures. 11. You must have confused me with someone

else. 12. He was never embarrassed, always ready with some glib explanation. 13. He was left in a state of confusion and despair. 14.

Some Englishmen drop their h's. 15. He was not a man who let a thing drop when he had set his mind on it. 16. Once more he

seemed to drop a curtain between himself and the others in the room. 17. He seems to have dropped most of his friends. 18. Drop me

a line when you are away. 19. The last thing I heard as I was dropping off to sleep was Mr. Lendow's voice saying good-night to

Carol. 20. Will you mind my luggage while I go and find out? 21. So I decided to mind my own business and to say nothing about

what I had seen. 22. The children mind her like trained seals. 23. "Mind how you go or you'll knock your head," Lucas warned him.

24. They did not seem to mind each other's presence in the least. 25. And then, being a fair-minded man, he looked at the other side

of the question. 26. I tried to concentrate, but my mind wouldn't work properly. 27. "I have a logical mind," she returned, "which you

have not and never will." 28. His eyes, when they looked at you directly, gave you the feeling that they were seeing right through

your mind. 29. His name had conveyed nothing to me; perhaps it was kept in mind only by journalists. 30. Keep in mind the purpose

of your speech and speak to the point. 31.1 tried to get my mind on my drawing, and did a few lines; but it was no use. 32. It just

didn't come to my mind. 33. If Melody could not make up her own mind — well, it must be made up for her. 34.1 wasn't in two

minds and acted quickly. 35. I've got a good mind to quit.

B. 1. The new doctor had only a small practice. 2. It is the practice of this surgeon to give local anaesthetics whenever possible. 3.

The odds are against this football team. 4. But oddly enough, though so much alike, they detest each other. 5. There weje several