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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

When he turned there was bitter hatred in his face. 1 8 . A sheep dog stirred in the shade and opened a cautious eye as he passed.

19. He poured out coffee for us both and began stirring his slowly, thoughtfully. 20. It was a summer morning full of stir and life. 2 1 .

He hurried to Mr. Dombey's room, stirred the fire, put the chair ready. 22. For long times he settled down, and in those times he would

not stir a finger to lift a guinea a yard off. 23. Washington was humming with excitement like a stirred wasps' nest. 24. Our fates were

linked together. I could not injure him without injuring myself. 25. Women forgive injuries, but never forget slights. 26. When you

testified at the trial, you did not point out that Jackson received his injury through trying to save the machinery from damage. 27.

Reggie sighed, and his round face was plaintive with the melancholy of an injured child. 28. She wanted to go away and cry and hate

Constance and think of impossible but terrific ways of taking her revenge on her. 29. George Sand revenged herself upon the poet

Musset for writing "He and She" by publishing the novel "She and He".

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Essential Vocabulary:

A- 1. She is not, I think, an interesting personality. 2. The writer's skill in creating vivid and original images is combined with the

refinement of language and style. 3. The people depicted by the writer are all very much alike. 4. His conversation was typical of a

retired officer. 5. Look at the clouds. It looks like raining. 6. The teacher said he was going to punish the pupil unless he did his

homework properly. 7. Jap dropped into a chair, looked at me and tapped his forehead significantly. 8. His voice had risen, but now it

dropped almost to a whisper. 9. At last he subsided into heavy slumber. 1 0 . You are her friend — in the best meaning of the word.

Surely that gives you special privileges. 1 1 . The drugs had relieved the pain and she was left with a feeling of great fatigue. 1 2 .

Nora never made scenes. She was reasonable enough to know that they would only irritate Roger. 1 3 . The truth was too obvious,

and Julia had too much intelligence to miss it. 1 4 . I think she behaved with great practical wisdom. 1 5 . He never warned me about

that until yesterday.

B. 1. My friend and I moved quietly out of the room. 2. We knew what you intended to do and we took measures. 3. I meant to

give the book back to you this morning, but in the heat of our discussion, it had escaped my memory. 4. She put her hand into his and

gave him her old smile. 5. It must be awful to see year after year pass by and live in a place where nothing can happen. 6. His life

had been a severe struggle against every sort of difficulty. 7. Gorky's death was a heavy loss to all the people. 8. His failure to pass

the examination was a painful disappointment to him. 9. She was afraid to make the slightest movement for fear she might waken the