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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

g. What size shoes (gloves, collar) do you wear? — Size 36 shoes. I want a hat a size smaller (larger). They bought him a coat a

size (two sizes) too large (small) for him.

-sized adj (in compounds) having a certain size, as medium-sized; a life-sized portrait, e. g. I want medium-sized pajamas.

10. effort n trying hard, as a heroic (tremendous, last, strong, great, desperate, etc.) effort; continued (constant, vain) efforts, e. g. It was such an effort to get up on those dark winter mornings, to do smth. with an effort (without effort), e. g. He collected himself with an

effort. He lifted the box without effort, to make an (every, no) effort, e. g. I will make every (no) effort to help him. to cost smb. much

effort to do smth., e. g. It cost me much effort of will to give up tobacco, to spare no effort(s), e. g. The police promised to spare no effort(s) in their search/in searching for the missing child.

Word Combinations and Phrases

to be in good (bad) shape

to the cleaner's

at a great sacrifice

to become involved in smth.

to one's health

to execute a picture (a statue)

to take up art (painting)

to exhibit (smth.) in a show a lifetime dream a mature artist

to avert a disaster

to become a laughing-stock

to look at smb./smth. appraisingly

to be accepted for the show an inconspicuous place

a box of water-colours

to blush

a tube of oils

to the top of one's ears the close of the exhibition

to send smth.

to award a prize (a medal)


1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Five and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

2. Put fifteen questions to the text.

3. Copy out from Text Five the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 148 and translate them into Russian.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases (p. 148).

1. Pygmalion fell in love with a statue of Galatea which he had made in ivory, and at his prayer Aphrodite gave it life. 2. The art

dealer looked at the picture trying to judge its worth but refused to commit himself. 3. Another of his ambitions — a cherished djeam

— was one day to have a library. 4. Is it possible to determine what works will be given prizes before the close of the exhibition? 5.

There is no denying the fact that the pictures are well done technically. 6. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the young

artist who is giving an exhibition at the gallery. 7. When did Jane first begin to take an interest in painting? 8. Don't get mixed up in

the quarrels of other people. 9. It's the maddest idea I've ever heard. It would make Alexander an object of ridicule. 10. She blushed

furiously for shame. 11. You're in wonderful form, Diana. Where did you get that divine dress? 12. It's no use sending my clothes to

be cleaned, they are past repair. 13. Our garden is in good condition after the rain.

5. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 148.