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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

scheme where blue and green predominate. 2) materials used by painters, e. g. Turner constantly used water-colour for immediate

studies from nature, to paint smth. in (dark) bright colours to describe smth. (un) favourably, e. g. The headmaster painted the school's

future in bright colours. 3) the red or

pink in the cheeks, e. g. She has very little colour today, off colour not feeling well; in low spirits, e. g. He's been feeling rather off colour lately.

colour vt/i 1) to become coloured, e. g. The leaves have begun to colour. 2) (fig.) to change in some way, to make a description more exciting, e. g. News is often coloured in newspapers

coloured adj having colour, as cream-coloured; flesh-coloured; a coloured print; a multicoloured handkerchief, e. g. I'll make

myself one white and one coloured dress for the summer. When they were wet the pebbles were multicoloured and beautiful.

colourless adj without colour; pale; (fig.) without interest or character, as a colourless story (person); ant. colourful.

colouring n style in which the thing is coloured, as gaudy (subtle) colouring, e. g. His drawing is good but his colouring is poor.

colourist n an artist whose works are characterized by beauty of colour, e. g. As a colourist Gainsborough had few rivals among

English painters.

7. doubt n uncertainty of mind; lack of certainty; a state of uncertainty, e. g. There is (there can be) no (not much, some, great,

slight) doubt about it. I have no (not much, little, not the slightest) doubt that he will come. I have doubts as to his intentions, no

doubt certainly, e. g. She will no doubt cope with the work.

doubt vt/i to be uncertain, as to doubt the truth of smth. (the facts, smb.'s ability to do smth., etc.), e. g. Do you doubt his honesty? to doubt if (whether) smth. is correct (true, wrong, smb. will do smth.), e. g. I doubt whether he will come, not to doubt that, e. g. I don't doubt that he will come. Do you doubt that he will come?

doubtful adj uncertain; not definite; hesitating, e. g. Tha weather ' looks very doubtful. He's a doubtful character, to be (feel)

doubtful as to, e. g. I'm doubtful as to what I ought to do.

8. select vt to pick out, esp. for its superior qualities, as to select a gift (a suitable person, the best singers, the most typical cases, the best samples, etc.), e. g. They selected a site for the monument, syn. choose, pick, e. g. The small girl chose the biggest apple in the dish. I picked this way because it was the shortest.

selection n choice; a collection of specially chosen examples, as natural (artificial) selection; selections from Shakespeare (Russian composers, etc.); poetry, prose selections; a good selection of paintings (goods, etc.), e. g. This department store has a

good selection of hats.

9. size n 1) a degree of largeness or smallness, e. g. It was about the size of a pea-nut. 2) one of a series of numbered classes, e.