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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

nature. They drew different conclusions from the same facts. 6) to make lines on paper, as to draw well; to draw in pencil; to draw a

bunch of flowers, e. g. He drew a picture of his niece. I can draw a map of the area for you, 7) to move or come towards, e. g. The

concert season is drawing to a close.

draw n something that attracts attention, e. g. The new play proved a great draw.

drawing n the art of making pictures; a picture, e. g. Turner left a vast mass of work, oil paintings, water-colours and drawings.

4. picture n 1) painting, drawing, sketch, as a picture gallery; in the foreground (background) of the picture, e. g. There is nothing of unusual interest in the subject matter of the picture. Every detail in the picture plays its part in the composition, syn. piece, as a

flower piece, a conversation piece. 2) photograph, e. g. The picture I took of you last week turned out very well. 3) a perfect type, an

embodiment, e. g. You look the picture of health. 4) a film, e. g. I like to see a good picture once in a while.

picture vt 1) to make a picture, describe in words, e. g. The novel pictures life in Russia before the Revolution. 2) to imagine, e. g.

I can't quite picture you as a teacher.

depict vt to make a picture of, e. g. Perov liked to depict the scenes and types of common life. syn. represent, portray, e. g. The picture represented two Italian women talking. Turner tried to portray the mood of the sea.

picturesque adj giving vivid impression of nature or reality; romantic, e. g. I wonder who lives in that picturesque cottage over


5. paint n, e. g. Constable sometimes used a palette knife to apply the paint instead of a brush.

paint vt/i 1) to put paint on, e. g. They painted the door white. 2) to make a picture by using paint, as to paint from nature, e. g.

Ceremonial portraits were painted according to formula. Turner excelled in painting marine subjects. 3) to describe vividly in words,

e. g. You are painting the situation too dark.

painter n an artist, as painter of battle-pieces, genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter.

painting n 1) the act, art or occupation of laying on colours, e. g. Painting has become his world. 2) a painted picture, as an oil

paintings, still life paintings, a collection of paintings, an exquisite piece of painting, syn. canvas, e. g. An oil-painting caught and held him ... he forgot his awkward walk and came closer to the painting, very close. The beauty faded out of the canvas.

6. colour n 1) as bright (dark, rich, cool, warm, dull, faded) colours, e, g. The dancers wore tight-fitting dresses of richly glowing colours, colour scheme combination of colours, e. g. Gainsborough's pictures are painted in clear and transparent tone, in a colour