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Филипп Болл

34    J. C Maxwell (1873). «Molecules,» a lecture. In The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, ed. W.D. Niven, vol. 2, p. 374. Cambridge University Press, 1890.

35    Quoted in Campbell & Garnett, pp. 438-39.

36    L.Boltzmann (1872). «Weitere Studien fiber das Warmegleichgewicht unter Gas-molekiilen.» In Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, ed. F.Hasenbhrl, vol. 1, p. 317. J.A. Barth, Leipzig, 1909.

37    P.G. Tait (1886). «On the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases.» In Scientific Papers, vol. 2, p. 126. Cambridge University Press, 1898-1900.

38    C S.Peirce (1877). «The fixation of belief.» Popular Science Monthly 12, 1-15. Reprinted in 1974 in Collected Papers, vol. V, p. 226. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. I am grateful to Vincent Bauchau for bringing this citation to my attention.

39    F.Galton (1875). English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture. D. Appleton, New York.

40    A.-A. Cournot (1843). Exposition de la theorie des chances et des probabilites, p. 181. Ha-chette, Paris.

41    J.J. Fox (1860). «On the Province of the Statistician.» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 23,331.

42    A.Taillandier (1828). Review of «Compte general de Tadministration de la justice crim-inelle en France.» Revue encychpedique 40,612.

43    Editorial «Introduction.» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 1, 3 (1838).

44    Quoted in M.Diamond & M.Stone (1981). «Nightingale on Quetelet.» Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A 144, 70.

45    A. de Candolle (1830). «Considerations sur la statistique des delits.» Bibliotheque uni-verselle des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, 104,160.

46    I.Kant (1784). On History, ed. L.Beck (1963), p. 11. Indianapolis.

47    A.Quetelet (1847). «De Tinfmence de libre arbitre de Fhomme sur les faits sociaux.» Bulletin d€ la commission centrale de statistique 3,142.

48    A. Quetelet, SurVhomme, p. 9.

49    W.Cyples (1864). «Morality of the doctrine of averages.» Comhill Magazine 10,224.

50    «The Address of the Prince consort on opening as President the Fourth Session of the International Statistical Congress.» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 23, 280 (I860).

51 F. Dostoevsky, Letters from the Underworld, trans. C J.Hogarth, p. 32. J.M. Dent & Sons, London, 1913.

52    Ibid., pp. 29-30.

53    Ibid., p. 31.

54    L.N. Tolstoy (1869). War and Peace, trans. R.Edmunds (1969), vol. 2, p. 1,404. Penguin, Harmondsworth.

55    Ibid., p. 1,426.

56    Ibid., p. 1,440.

57    Quoted in N. Ferguson (1997). Virtual History, p. 446. Picador, London.

58    A.Tennyson (1868). «Lucretius,» p. 10. Printed for private circulation, Cambridge, Mass.

59    J. C Maxwell (1873). «Molecules.» In W.D. Niven, p. 373.

60    J. C Maxwell (1867). Letter to P.G. Tait, in C.G. Knott (1911). Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait, pp. 213-14. Cambridge University Press.

61    M.Smoluchowski (1918). «Uber den Begriff des Zufalls und den Ursprung der Wahrscheinlichkeitgesetz in der Physik.» In Oeuvres, vol. 3, p. 87. Krakow, 1924-28.