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12    J.T. Desaguliers (1728). The Newtonian System of the World, 11.17-18. Quoted in M. C Jacob (1981). The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and Republicans, p. 124. Allen & Unwin, London.

13    D. Hume (1741). «That politics may be reduced to a science.» In Selected Essays, ed. S.Copley & A.Edgar (1993), pp. 13-24. Oxford University Press.

14    J.Swift (1726). GuUiveris Travels, book ii, p. 176. Penguin, Harmondsworth, England, 1985.

15    E. Burke (1790). Reflections on the Revolution in France, para. 98. J.Dodsley Lond Republished С. C O'Brien, ed. (1982). Penguin, Harmondsworth.

16    A. Comte (1830-42). Cours de philosophic positive. Quoted in Bierstedt, p. 192

17    A.Quetelet (1830-31). «Lettre a M. le Bourgmestre, 15 dec. 1831.» Annuaire de Vobservatoire de Bruxelles 1, 285 (1834); «Letter to Bouvard,» 5 November 1830, quoted J.Lottin (1912), Quetelet: Statistician et Sociologue, p. 52. Institut Superieur de Philosophic, Louvain.

18    A. Quetelet (1840). «Notice scientifique» for his book Sur Гкотте, Annuaire de TObsvatoire de Bruxelles 7, 230.

19    A.Quetelet (1832). «Recherches sur le penchant au crime aux differens ages» Nou veaux memoires de Vacademe royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles 7,136

20    A. Quetelet (1835). SurVhomme et le developpement de sesfacultes, ои essai de physique sociale, p. 289. Bachelier, Paris.

21    A.Quetelet (1835). «Recherches,» p. 6.

22    J.Herschel (1850). «Quetelet on Probabilities.» Edinburgh Rrivew92,14.

23    J.S. Mill (1862). A System of Logic, in Collected Works, vols. 7 and 8 (ed. J.M. Robson) p. 932. University of Toronto Press, 1973.

24    H.T. Buckle (1857-61). History of Civilization in England, vol. 2, p. 244. New York, 1913.

25    I.Kant (1784). «Idea of a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View.» See I.Kant, On History, p. 11.

26    H.T. Buckle (1857-61). History of Civilization in England. See F.Stern (ed.), The Varieties of History from Voltaire to the Present, 2nd ed., pp. 121-32. Macmillan, London, 1970.

27    W.Newmarch (1860). «Some Observations on the Present Position of Statistical Inquiry with Suggestions for Improving the Organization and Efficiency of the International Statistical Congress.» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 23,362.

28    N.W. Senior (1860). «Opening address of Nassau W.Senior, Esq.,...» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 23,359.

29    F.K. Hunt (1850). «А Few Facts About Matrimony.» In Household Words 1, 374.

30    R. W. Emerson (1860). «Fate.» In The Conduct of Life & Other Essays (1908), p. 159. J.M. Dent & Sons, London.

31    M.Twain (1924). Autobiography, vol. 1, ch. 20. Harper & Brothers, New York.

32    F.Nietzsche (1874). Untimely Meditation. Second Part: Of the Use and Disadvantage of History for Life. E.W. Fritzsch, Leipzig.

33    Quoted in L. Campbell & W.Garnett (1882). The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, pp. 294-95. Macmillan, London.