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Ralph Waldo Emerson (1860). The Conduct of Life, p. 210. J.M. Dent, London, 1908. James Clerk Maxwell (1878). In The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell ed.

W.D. Niven, vol. 2, pp. 715-17. Cambridge University Press, 1890.

Isaac Newton (1704). «Queries.» In Opticks. Reprinted by Dover, New York, 1952

1    K.Vonnegut (1965). Cat's Cradle, p. 163. Penguin, Harmondsworth.

2    M.Gladwell (2000). The Tipping Point. Little, Brown, London.

3    C.Jencks (1995). The Architecture of the Jumping Universe. Academy Editions, London

4    T.S. Kuhn (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Pres

5    J. F. W. Herschel (1830). Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, p. 188. Longmans Brown, Green & Longmans, London, 1851.

6    T. Andrews (1869). «On the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter.» Philo sophical Transactions of the Royal Society 159, 575.

7    J.C. Maxwell (1874). «Van der Waals on the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states» Nature 10, 477-80, here p. 478.



tephen Hales (1727). Vegetable Staticks. W. & J.Innys & T.Woodward, London, lerbert Spencer (1876). The Principles of Sociology. Quoted in R.Bierstedt, ed. (1959).

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Jeorg Christoph Lichtenberg, quoted in F.Cramer (1993). Chaos and Order, p. 2. VCH, Weinheim.

1    H.D. Thoreau (1856). The Journal of Нету David Thorcau, ed. B.Torrey & F. Allen, vol. 8, pp. 87-88. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1906.

2    J.W. Gibbs (1906). «On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances.» In The Scientific Papers ofJ .Willard Gibbs, vol. I, ed. H.A. Bumstead & R.G. Van Name. Longmans, Green, New York.

4    Ibid., p.505.

5    I.Prigogine (1980). From Being To Becoming, p. 106. W.H. Freeman, New York.

6    J.L. Borges (1956). «The Garden of Forking Paths.» In Labyrinths, pp. 44-54. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1970.

7    Prigogine, p. 106.



Jeorg Christoph Lichtenberg, quoted in F.Cramer (1993). Chaos and Order, p. 114. VCH, Weinheim.

Edward A.Ross (1901). Social Control. In R.Bierstedt (1959), The Making of Society, p. 336. Random House, New York.

[einrich von Kleist (1810). On the Marionette Theatre. In Berliner Abendblatter, 12-15 December. Trans. I. Parry in the Times Literary Supplement, 20 October 1978.

1    A. van Leeuwenhoek (1674). In Antony van Leeuwenhoek and His Little Animals/ Trans. & ed C. Dobell (1958). Russell & Russell, New York.

2    Hobbes, Leviathan, p. 228.

3    J.K. Parrish & L.Edelstein-Keshet (1999). «Complexity, pattern, and evolutionary trade-offs in animal aggregation.» Science 284,99-101, here p. 100.

4    Quoted in S.Levy (1992). Artificial Life, p. 74. Jonathan Cape, London.

5    Quoted in R.Lewin (1992). Complexity, p. 178. Macmillan, New York.

6    Hobbes, Leviathan, p. 225.

7    Ibid, pp. 225-26.

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