The animal part of me lived and moved as usual; the viler animal instincts in me plotted and planned, and that was all. | Телесная часть моя жила и двигалась как обыкновенно, гнусные животные инстинкты во мне составляли планы - и больше ничего. |
Nobody, looking at me, would have seen anything but a dull quietude in my face, an immovable composure in my manner. | Никто, взглянув на меня, не увидел бы ничего, кроме тупого спокойствия на моем лице, неподвижного бесстрастия в обращении. |
And yet no madman was fitter for restraint, or less responsible morally for his own actions, than I was at that moment. The night air blew more freshly on our faces. Still led by the child, we had passed through the last street-we were out on the empty open space which was the landward boundary of the harbor. In a minute more we stood on the quay, within a step of the gunwale of the boat. I noticed a change in the appearance of the harbor since I had seen it last. Some fishing-boats had come in during my absence. They moored, some immediately astern and some immediately ahead of my own vessel. I looked anxiously to see if any of the fishermen were on board and stirring. Not a living being appeared anywhere. The men were on shore with their wives and their families. | А между тем ни один сумасшедший не заслуживал бы больше изоляции и не был менее ответствен нравственно за свои поступки, чем я в эту минуту. |
Elfie held out her arms to be lifted on board my boat. Mrs. Van Brandt stepped between us as I stooped to take her up. | Эльфи подняла ручки, чтобы я поставил ее на палубу, мистрис Ван Брандт стала между нами, когда я наклонился поднять ребенка. |
"We will wait here," she said, "while you go into the cabin and get the money." | - Я подожду здесь, - сказала она, - пока вы сходите в каюту и принесете деньги. |
Those words placed it beyond all doubt that she had her suspicions of me-suspicions, probably, which led her to fear not for her life, but for her freedom. | Эти слова показывали несомненно, что она подозревала меня, и эти подозрения, вероятно, заставляли ее опасаться, не за свою жизнь, а за свою свободу. |
She might dread being kept a prisoner in the boat, and being carried away by me against her will. | Она, может быть, опасалась остаться пленницей на судне и быть увезенной против воли. |
More than this she could not thus far possibly apprehend. | Более этого она вряд ли могла чего нибудь опасаться. |
The child saved me the trouble of making any remonstrance. | Девочка избавила меня от труда возражать. |
She was determined to go with me. | Она решилась идти со мной. |
"I must see the cabin," she cried, holding up the key. | - Я должна видеть каюту! - вскричала она, поднимая кверху ключ. |
"I must open the door myself." | - Я должна отпереть дверь сама! |
She twisted herself out of her mother's hands, and ran round to the other side of me. | Она вырвалась из рук матери и перебежала на другую сторону ко мне. |
I lifted her over the gunwale of the boat in an instant. | Я тотчас поднял ее через борт судна. |
Before I could turn round, her mother had followed her, and was standing on the deck. | Прежде чем я успел повернуться, мать последовала за ней и остановилась на палубе. |