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Уилки Коллинз

Still following the windings of the deserted streets, I reached what I at first supposed to be the end of the town. Before me, for half a mile or more (as well as I could guess), rose a tract of meadow-land, with sheep dotted over it at intervals reposing for the night. I advanced over the grass, and observed here and there, where the ground rose a little, some moldering fragments of brickwork. Looking onward as I reached the middle of the meadow, I perceived on its further side, towering gaunt and black in the night, a lofty arch or gateway, without walls at its sides, without a neighboring building of any sort, far or near. This (as I afterward learned) was one of the ancient gates of the city. The walls, crumbling to ruin, had been destroyed as useless obstacles that cumbered the ground. On the waste meadow-land round me had once stood the shops of the richest merchants, the palaces of the proudest nobles of North Holland. I was actually standing on what had been formerly the wealthy quarter of Enkhuizen! And what was left of it now? A few mounds of broken bricks, a pasture-land of sweet-smelling grass, and a little flock of sheep sleeping. The mere desolation of the view (apart altogether from its history) struck me with a feeling of horror. My mind seemed to lose its balance in the dreadful stillness that was round me. I felt unutterable forebodings of calamities to come. For the first time, I repented having left England. My thoughts turned regretfully to the woody shores of Greenwater Broad. If I had only held to my resolution, I might have been at rest now in the deep waters of the lake. For what had I lived and planned and traveled since I left Dermody's cottage? Perhaps only to find that I had lost the woman whom I loved-now that I was in the same town with her! Все еще следуя по извилинам пустынных улиц, я дошел до предполагаемого мной конца города.
Regaining the outer rows of houses still left standing, I looked about me, intending to return by the street which was known to me already. Вернувшись к веренице домов, еще сохранившихся, я осмотрелся вокруг, намереваясь вернуться по той самой улице, по которой пришел.
Just as I thought I had discovered it, I noticed another living creature in the solitary city. В ту минуту, когда мне показалось, что нашел эту улицу, я заметил живое существо в пустынном городе.
A man was standing at the door of one of the outermost houses on my right hand, looking at me. У дверей одного из крайних домов, по правую мою>уку, стоял человек и смотрел на меня.
At the risk of meeting with another rough reception, I determined to make a last effort to discover Mrs. Van Brandt before I returned to the boat. Рискуя встретить грубый прием, я решился сделать последнее усилие, отыскать мистрис Ван Брандт, прежде чем вернусь на судно.
Seeing that I was approaching him, the stranger met me midway. Увидев, что я подхожу к нему, незнакомец встретил меня на полдороге.
His dress and manner showed plainly that I had not encountered this time a person in the lower ranks of life. Его одежда и обращение ясно показали, что я встретил человека не низкого звания.