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Майкл Коннелли

"Set decorator," her husband corrected. "There is a difference."

"Anyway, he used everything he bought from us on movie sets. I always hoped I would see something in a movie that I'd know came from our house. But I never did."

Bosch scribbled some notes in his pad. He had just about everything he needed from the Blaylocks. It was almost time to head south, back to the city to put the case together.

"How did you get the skateboard?" Audrey asked him.

Bosch looked up from his notepad.

"Uh, it was in Mr. Trent's possessions."

"He's still on the street?" Don Blaylock asked. "He was a great neighbor. Never a problem at all with him."

"He was until recently," Bosch said. "He passed away, though."

"Oh, my gosh," Audrey proclaimed. "What a

shame And he wasn't that old a man "_

- Летом девяносто второго. Сразу после того, как мы продали дом. Помню, денег за него мы еще не получили. - Вы уверены, что продали скейтборд мистеру Тренту? С тех пор прошло много времени.

- Да, он купил половину того, что мы продавали.

Самую никчемную. Он собрал эти вещи и предложил цену за все. Они требовались ему для работы. Он был декоратором.

- Оформителем декораций, - поправил ее муж. - Это не одно и то же.

- В общем, он использовал все купленное у нас для кинодекораций. Я постоянно надеялась увидеть в кино что-либо из бывших наших вещей. Но так и не увидела. Босх записал кое-что в блокноте. Он узнал от Блейлоков почти все, что ему нужно. Пришло время ехать в Лос-Анджелес и ставить точку в деле.

- А как скейтборд попал к вам? - поинтересовалась Одри.

- Он лежал у мистера Трента.

- Он все еще живет там? - воскликнул Дон Блейлок. -Замечательный был сосед. Никаких проблем с ним не возникало.

- Жил до последнего времени, - уточнил Босх. - Он недавно умер.

- О Господи, - вздохнула Одри. - Какая жалость. А он был не таким уж старым.

"I just have a couple more questions," Bosch said. "Did John Stokes ever tell either of you how he came to have the skateboard?"

"He told me that he had won it during a contest with some other boys at school," Audrey said.

"The Brethren School?"

"Yes, that's where he went. He was going when he first came to us and so we continued it."

Bosch nodded and looked down at his notes. He had everything. He closed the notebook, put it in his coat pocket and stood up to go.


Bosch pulled the car into a space in front of the Lone Pine Diner. The booths by all the windows were filled and almost all of the people in them looked out at the LAPD car two hundred miles from home.

He was starved but knew he needed to talk to Edgar before delaying any further. He took out the cell phone and made the call. Edgar answered after half a ring.

"It's me. Did you put the BOLO out?"

"Yeah, it's out. But it's a little hard to do when you don't know what the fuck is going on, partner"

He said the last word as if it was a synonym for asshole. It was their last case together and Bosch felt bad that they were going to end their time this