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Майкл Коннелли

He quickly reversed the tape and replayed the exchange between Edgar and Trent that had drawn his attention.

He remembered standing in the hallway in Trent's house and listening to this part of the interview. But he had missed its significance until this moment.

"Did you like watching the kids play up there in the woods, Mr. Trent?"

"No, I couldn't see them if they were up in the woods. On occasion I would be driving up or walking my dog — when he was alive — and I would see the kids climbing up there. The girl across the street. The Fosters next door. All the kids around here. It's a city-owned right-of-way — the only undeveloped land in the neighborhood. So they went up there to play. Some of the neighbors thought the older ones went up there to smoke cigarettes, and the concern was they would set the whole hillside on fire."

He turned off the tape and went back to the kitchen and the phone. Edgar answered after one ring.

Bosch could tell he had not been asleep. It was only nine o'clock.

"You didn't bring anything home with you, did you?"

"Like what?"

"The reverse directory lists?"_


Быстро пустил пленку назад и опять прокрутил разговор между Эдгаром и Трентом, привлекший его внимание.

Вспомнил, что тогда стоял в коридоре и прислушивался к этой части их диалога. Но не сознавал ее значения до последней минуты.

"Мистер Трент, вы любили смотреть, как они играют в лесу на склоне?

- Нет, я не видел их среди деревьев. Иногда, подъезжая к дому или прогуливая собаку - пока она была жива, - я видел, как они взбирались по склону. Девочка из дома напротив. Питомцы из соседнего. Вся здешняя детвора. Это единственное незастроенное место в округе. Вот они и шли туда играть.

Кое-кто из соседей думал, что ребята постарше курят там, и опасался, как бы они не подожгли весь склон". Босх выключил магнитофон и направился в кухне к телефону. Эдгар ответил после первого же гудка. Босх понял по голосу, что он не спал. Было только девять часов.

- Ты ничего не захватывал домой?

- Что, например?

- Списки из адресников.

- Нет, Гарри, они в отделе. Что происходит?

"I don't know. Do you remember when you were making that chart on the board today, was there anybody named Foster on Wonderland?"

"Foster. You mean last name of Foster?"

"Yeah, last name."

He waited. Edgar said nothing.

"Jerry, you remember?"

"Harry, take it easy. I'm thinking."

More silence.

"Um," Edgar finally said. "No Foster. None that I can remember."

"How sure are you?"

"Well, Harry, come on. I don't have the board or the lists here. But I think I would've remembered that name. Why is it so important? What's going on?" "I'll call you back."

Bosch took the phone with him out to the dining room table where he had left his briefcase.

He opened it and took out the murder book. He quickly turned to the page that listed the current residents of Wonderland Avenue with their addresses and phone numbers.