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Майкл Коннелли

- Имена их вы помните?

- Дон и Одри.

- А когда они уехали оттуда?

- О, по меньшей мере десять лет назад.

After the last child was grown, they didn't need that big house anymore. They sold it and moved."

"Any idea where they moved to? Are they still local?"

Guyot said nothing. Bosch waited. "I'm trying to remember," Guyot said. "I know I know this."

"Take your time, Doctor," Bosch said, even though it was the last thing he wanted Guyot to do.

"Oh, you know what, Detective?" Guyot said. "Christmas. I saved all the cards I received in a box. So I know who to send cards to next year.

My wife always did that. Let me put the phone down and get the box. Audrey still sends me a card every year."

"Go get the box, Doctor. I'll wait."

Bosch heard the phone being put down. He nodded to himself. He was going to get it. He tried to think about what this new information could mean but then decided to wait. He would gather the information and then sift through it after. It took Guyot several minutes to come back to the phone. The whole time Bosch waited with his pen poised to write the address on the note page. "Okay, Detective Bosch, I've got it here." Guyot gave him the address and Bosch almost sighed out loud. Don and Audrey Blaylock had not moved to Alaska or some other far reach of the world. They were still

within a car drive He thanked Guyot and hung up_

Когда последний из тех детей вырос, большой дом стал им не нужен. Они продали его и уехали.

- Не знаете куда? Они в Лос-Анджелесе?

- Я припоминаю, - сказал Г ийо. - Я определенно должен знать.

- Не спешите, доктор, - попросил Босх, хотя его мучило нетерпение.

- Рождество! - воскликнул Гийо. - Рождество. Я храню в коробке все поздравительные открытки, чтобы не забыть, кого нужно поздравить в будущем году. Жена всегда делала так. Не кладите трубку, я сейчас схожу за этой коробкой. Одри до сих пор каждый год меня поздравляет.

- Пожалуйста, доктор. Я подожду.

Босх услышал, как Гийо положил трубку. Итак, он получит нужные сведения. Начал размышлять, что они дадут ему, но решил подождать.

Сначала получить их, потом просеять.

Гийо вернулся через несколько минут. Босх все это время держал ручку над листом блокнота.

- Ну вот, детектив, нашел.

Гийо продиктовал адрес, и Босх едва удержался от шумного вздоха. Дон и Одри Блейлок уехали не на Аляску или еще в какой-нибудь далекий край. К ним можно было ехать на машине. Он поблагодарил доктора и положил трубку.


At 8 a.m. Saturday morning Bosch was sitting in his slick-back watching a small wood-frame house a block off the main drag in the town of Lone Pine three hours north of Los Angeles in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. He was sipping cold coffee from a plastic cup and had another one just like it ready to take over when he was finished. His bones ached from the cold and a night spent driving and then trying to sleep in the car. He had made it to the little mountain town too late to find a motel open. He also knew from experience that coming to Lone Pine without a reservation on a weekend was not advisable anyway.