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Майкл Коннелли

"Here we go," Edgar said as he got up. "Harry, you can have the honors. You tell her where we're at on this thing. More like where we aren't at."

Bosch did. In five minutes he brought Billets completely up to date on the case and its latest reversal and lack of progress.

"So where do we go from here?" she asked when he was finished.

"We start over, look at everything we've got, see what we missed. We go to the kid's school, see what records they have, look at yearbooks, try to contact classmates. Things like that."

Billets nodded. If she knew anything about the call from the 0-3, she wasn't letting on.

"I think the most important thing is that spot up there on the hill," Bosch added.

Он звонил в десять утра.

- Черт! - ругнулся Босх.

- Что такое? - удивился Эдгар.

- Придется ехать в центр. У меня до сих пор лежит в багажнике манекен, я взял его вчера вечером у Джеспера. Наверное, тот требует возврата.

Он снял телефонную трубку и хотел набрать номер НИО, но тут их с Эдгаром окликнули из дальнего конца комнаты. Их звала Биллетс.

- Начинается, - усмехнулся Эдгар. - Гарри, возьми эту честь на себя. Объясни ей, к чему мы пришли. Точнее, к чему не пришли.

За пять минут Босх полностью ввел Биллетс в курс дела, доложил о последнем повороте в ходе расследования и об отсутствии успехов.

- И что же теперь будем делать? - спросила начальница, когда он закончил.

- Начнем заново, соберем все, чем располагаем, поищем, что упустили. Придется поехать в школу, где учился мальчик, посмотреть, что там сохранилось в архиве, полистать ежегодники, попытаться найти одноклассников. И все такое прочее.

Биллетс кивнула. Если она знала о звонке из 0-3 то помалкивала.

- Думаю, самое главное - это место погребения на холме, - добавил Босх.

"How so?"

"I think the kid was alive when he got up there. That's where he was killed. We have to figure out what or who brought him up there. We're going to have to go back in time on that whole street. Profile the whole neighborhood. It's going to take time."

She shook her head.

"Well, we don't have time to work it full-time," she said. "You guys just sat out of the rotation for ten days. This isn't RHD. That's the longest I've been able to hold a team out since I got here."

"So we're back in?" She nodded.

"And right now it's your up — the next case is yours."

Bosch nodded. He had assumed that was coming.

In the ten days they'd been working the case, the two other Hollywood homicide teams had both caught cases. It was now their turn. It was rare to get such a long ride on a divisional case anyway. It had been a luxury. Too bad they hadn't turned the case, he thought.

Bosch also knew that by putting them back on the rotation Billets was making a tacit acknowledgment that she wasn't expecting the case to clear. With each day that a case stayed open, the chances of clearing it dropped markedly. It was a given in homicide and it happened to everybody. There were