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Коллектив авторов -- География, краеведение

The burial mounds group Berezitsy I is situated to the North-West of the village Berezitsy, on the left valley side of the river Bochitsa. The site is located in a mixed forest and consists of a number of very high mounds among others. Not less than 16 barrows amounted in the group in 1991; the 4 least damaged mounds (№7—10) were excavated.

The burial mound group Berezitsy IV is situated in 0,5 km to the North-West from the village Berezitsy, on a hill on the right valley side of the river Bochitsa, in the mixed forest. It consisted of the 3 circular in plan mounds. Two burial mounds were excavated here (№1 and 3).

The barrow group Berezitsy V is located in 1 km to the South-East of the village Berezitsy, near the road from the village Berezisty to the railway passing place «197 km», the site is situated in a pinewood. In 1991 there were 5 circular in plan mounds in a group, mounds stretched out in chain order on a top of low level stain hilly surface. The most Northern in the group burial mound was excavated here (№3).

The burial mounds located near village Berezitsy and studied in 1991 are typical for PLB culture. It is notorious that the mounds inner structure is complicated, it is clear that they were constructed step by step, and the cremated remains were put into the mound in diverse variety of ways. The burials in ground holes outside of ditches encircling the mounds are relatively numerous.

The finds gathered during the 1991 excavations are not numerous and generally are not very informative. The ceramics is presented by can shaped forms. Among the found artefacts the most significant are: wiry bronze ring with a blue bead and square shaped stamped plate-hoop. This finds are also interesting: the ornamented bone hollow artefacts, probably needle-cases.

The burial mounds excavated near the village Berezitsy provided new important materials for studying PLB culture, its burial rites, and artefacts complex.

Berezitsy VI — a Burial Ground of the Final Stage of the Culture of Long Barrows

Vladislav Y. Sobolev

This paper is dedicated to publication of materials from the completely excavated kurgan cemetery of Berezitsy VI located near the village of Berezitsy in the Strugo-Krasnensky district of Pskov region.

Within the micro-region under consideration there is a large «cluster» of archaeological sites of the second half and the end of the 1st to the first third of the 2nd millennium AD. Archaeological researches in this region were started in the early 20th century.

The group of kurgans excavated consisted of eight barrows and three flat graves uncovered in the area between the kurgans. All of the burials were cremations with the pyre areas located aside from places of the final deposit of the remains. The objects found among the calcined bones — rings of small diameter made from bronze wire, including some with a glass bead halted on them, drops of melted glass and bronze, cornelian beads — all show the effects of fire.