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Коллектив авторов -- География, краеведение
Переписная книга 1722—1727. — Переписная книга церковнослужителей г. Новгорода, Вотской, Бежецкой, Обонежской, Деревской, Шелонской пятин Новгородского уезда, Старой Ладоги, Новой Ладоги, Порхова, Тихвинского посада, Порховского окологородья. 1722—1727. // РГАДА. Ф. 350. Оп. 2. Д. 2158.
Писцовая книга 1582. — Подлинная писцовая книга поместных, монастырских и церковных земель Шелонской пятины письма Л. Аксакова. 1582. // РГАДА. Ф.1209. Oп. 1. Д. 957.
Село…, 2003. Село Киiвськоi Pyci (За матерiалами пiвденноруських земель). Киiв.
Указ 1720. — Указ (и расписки церковников, читавших его) для опубликования по Новгородской епархии «об отправлении из губерний и провинций в Санкт-Петербург в Военную коллегию свейских военнопленных, за арестом и на поролях в России содержащихся, о которых определено надлежащее действо чинить». 1720. 20.09 — 1721. 3.11 // Архив СПб. Института истории РАН. Кол. 183. Карт. 9. Д. 695.
History of archaeological studying of the territory Strugi Krasnye district of the Pskov region
Vladislav Y. Sobolev
Stages of archaeological studying of the territory of modern Strugi Krasnye district from the end of 19 before the beginning of the 21st centuries are given in article in a chronological order. The main works and finds are considered.
The carried-out researches give the chance for reconstruction of the main cultural and historical processes proceeding in this territory throughout the middle — the end 1st, processes of formation of an Old Russian nationality and the Western part of the medieval Novgorod earth at a turn of the millennium and in the first half of 2nd thousand AD.
Archaeological sites of Early Middle Ages in the territory of Strugi Krasnye district
Elena R. Mikhaylova
In article are described methods of modern research of archaeological sites, definition of the early Middle Ages.
Archeological finds of Culture of long barrows from the territory of the area are described, their specifics and transition to early Christian types of funeral monuments are defined.
Treasures and discoveries of Strugi Krasnye land
Vita I. Mikhaylova, Alexey I. Fedorov
The article describes the various types of finds and treasures found during the 19—21 centuries on the territory of the Strugi Krasnye district. Some of the findings presented in the exposition of the District Museum of Local Lore.
The report on the excavation made in the summer of 1899 in the Yablonets district of the Luga county St. Petersburg province
Nikolay F. Arepyev
The report on excavation of the ancient burials and a research of the monastery site in the territory of modern Strugi Krasnye district which are carried out in 1899. The text included also geographic and ethnographic data received from locals.