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Коллектив авторов -- География, краеведение

The burial rite and the finds allow us to attribute the group under studies to the culture of the Pskov-Novgorod long harrows and to date it to the later stage of the existence of that culture, viz., the second half of the 10th — early 1lth century.

Two ancient Russian complexes with decorations made of tin from the west of the Novgorod land

Elena R. Mikhaylova

The article is devoted to the analysis of two complexes of Old Russian jewelry as a part of which the tin products reproducing silver samples are met, found at excavation of the Old Russian barrow cemetery of Berezitsa III.

Zaklinie churchyard according to archeology

Alexander V. Mikhailov

In article is a history of a written mention of Zaklinye’s churchyard, and also results of archaeological investigations of different years of neighborhood of this settlement is considered. Medieval settlements, graves, barrows, hills are considered. Results to archaeological investigation in the natural boundary the Gorodok where the occupation layer of the medieval ancient settlement is found are described.

Coins VIII — XI centuries monetary and ware set of the Pskov region

Anton R. Michelson, Oleg V. Trostyanski

Considers coins from the hoard treasure found in 2013 near the village Pyatchino. Are described in detail and dated all the coins identified. Also conducted an analysis of the hoard treasure, put forward versions about the reasons for his concealment.

History of the Chernozersky Monastery and some finds from his territory

Elena R. Mikhaylova, Adrian A. Selin, Vladislav Y. Sobolev

The Chernozersky monastery situated in the North of modern Pskov region was one of the numerous small cloisters of the North-West of Russia. Some fragmentary data of its history is preserved in the sources of the 16—17th cc.

The monastery territory has never been archaeologically investigated; that’s why the collection of surface material found on the island is of great importance. The ceramics found is typical for the North-West and is dated by the 16—17th cc. One of metal finds could be interpreted as a detail of choros (church chandelier).

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Список сокращений

АИА — Архив Института археологии

АИИМК — Архив Института истории материальной культуры

АН — Академия наук

ВООПИиК — Всероссийское общество охраны памятников истории и культуры

ГАИМК — Государственная академия истории материальной культуры

ГБУК — государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры

ГВНП — Грамоты Великого Новгорода и Пскова

ГЭ — Государственный Эрмитаж

ЗОРСА — Записки отделения русской и славянской археологии

ЗРАО — Записки императорского русского археологического общества

ИА — Институт археологии

ИАК — Императорская археологическая комиссия

ИИМК — Институт истории материальной культуры

ИОЛЕАЭ — Императорское общество любителей естествознания, антропологии и этнографии