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THE – Defnite Article

It’s called a defnite article because it points out a defnite, or specifc person, place, or thing. If I said, “Watch the movie.” I am not talking about any stupid movie, I’m talking about a specifc one.

A & An – Indefnite Articles

Tese ones do not point out anything specifc. I can say, “Watch a movie.” You can watch any movie in the world.

You use “a” before words that begin with consonant sounds and use “an” before words that begin with a vowel (a movie / an opera).

So check it out, articles actually answer the adjective question “Which one?” Tat’s why articles are considered to be adjectives.

Tere is also one thing you have to know:

• Comparative & Superlative Adjectives:

Many adjectives have diferent levels or degrees. So basically, a word could have more or less of an adjective’s quality. For Example:

You use comparative when you compare two things, and superlative when you compare three or more.

1. Siberia is colder than Miami (comparative).

2. Out of Siberia, Miami, Los Angeles and

Egypt, Siberia is the coldest (superlative).

5. Adverbs

Adverbs modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. • I will sit here. HERE is an adverb describing the verb SIT.

• Tis song is extremely fast. EXTREMELY is an adverb describing the adjective FAST. • He touched it very carefully. VERY is an adverb describing the adverb CAREFULLY. Adverbs answer these questions:

HOW? (quite, slowly, etc.)

WHEN? (now, never, yesterday, etc.)

WHERE? (there, here, everywhere, etc.)

TO WHAT EXTENT? (very, too, rather, etc.)

Adverbs can also have diferent levels or degrees as well as adjectives.

And again, use comparative form when comparing two actions or qualities. And use superlative when comparing three or more things.

No examples here, it’s pretty easy.

Alright, my friend. Tis is all you have to know about parts of speech in English language. Of course, there is a lot more information on those, but I tried to include all the important stuf here, that will eventually help us building sentences and break down their structure. Te rest is just useless shit. Now you’re ready to move onto Punctuation. Another topic that your school teacher made you hate. Don’t worry, it’s gonna be super easy with me (fngers crossed).

Part Two: Punctuation

Punctuation is crucial if you want your shit to make sense. It is used to create sense, clarity, structure and stress in sentences. Read this awesome sentence down below and tell me how you don’t wanna fucking use your punctuation marks:

Yeah I don’t really use anything because I am lazy and always in a hurry to fnish writing I understand that punctuation is important but fuck it anybody ain’t got time for this shit I would like some help though I feel like I can really take my writing to the next level with this someone please help me