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• Compound Nouns: Two or more smaller words put together. haircut, facetime, toothpaste

• Collective: Singular nouns that refer to a group of things as a whole. class, audience, team

• Gerund: When you add –ing to the verb and turn it into a noun. Tat’s it. Do not let your English teachers confuse you! Tis is all it is - when you turn a verb into a noun.

dancing, swimming

2. Pronouns

Pronouns replace the nouns.

You can’t just say, “Joey picked up Joey’s phone to look for a photo Joey took last night.” Tis is just too

much. Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do. Tey can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the prepositions, and all that fun stuf.

“Joey picked up his phone to look for a photo he took last night” • Personal Pronouns:

• Refexive Pronouns:

Tey refect back to the subject. Tey come in as direct/indirect objects or objects od preposition.

James saw himself in the mirror.

HIMSELF is the direct object. Te pronoun refers back to the subject, which in this case is James (James saw James in the mirror).

• Intensive Pronouns:

Tese emphasize a preceding noun, ofen the noun immediately before the pronoun. Te King himself gave me the award.

HIMSELF refers to Te King as well, but what makes it diferent is its ability to be lef out of the sentence without any consequences (Te King gave me the award). Pronoun here is not the object of the sentence.

• Interrogative Pronouns:

It’s easy. Tey ask questions, duh.


Use WHO when you would use I, and WHOM when you would use ME. • Demonstrative Pronouns:

Tey show something or point at something.

• Indefnite Pronouns:

Tey are kind of like bad friends we all have. Tey’re just not sure about anything. (table is on the next page)

3. Verbs

Now, this shit gets pretty crazy. A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. As you may see from that defnition, there are two main categories of verbs: action verbs and “state of being” linking verbs.

I love beer – an action verb

I am a bartender – a linking verb

But hold up! Tere is another category that no one gives a crap about, but they really should. Tose are the helping verbs a.k.a. Auxiliary verbs:

Tey do exactly what their name implies they do. Tey help the main verb in the sentence by telling us more about its tense and the subtleties of its meaning.

4. Adjectives

Tese bitches describe or modify nouns and pronouns. You may think those are pretty easy. Well, maybe…

Yellow submarine

Blue sky

Pretty girl

Funny clown

Look around the room or whatever the space you’re in is. What do you see? Describe what those things

are. Do you see a black keyboard? A big screen? Check your surroundings and play with some adjectives for a second.

Cool? Alright, now let me ruin everything real quick. Yep…let’s talk about Articles. Yeah-yeah…the ones that no one frickin’ understands…the ones that your school teacher makes you memorize, but you just can’t. What a lot of people don’t know is articles are adjectives too ; they are just special kind of adjectives. Stop stressing out right now! Tere are only three articles in the English language. I know you hate them, but please try to understand them. Tey have feelings too. Just kidding, they don’t give a shit. Tey don’t need you; you need them, so listen up lol