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улице аэропорта Лос-Анджелеса. Это чувство было потрясающим, я проделал такой долгий пу ть, и вот я здесь. Говоря кратко, у меня никогда не возникало проблем с языком, и я поладил со всеми с самого первого дня. Абсолютно никакого языкового барьера в моей жизни больше не существовало, и не существует по сей день! Это не пособие, не учебник и не курс. Эта книга – это сборник той информации, которую я так долго и мучительно искал. Однако, до того, как вы начнете ругаться и ворчать, напоминаю, именно вся эта информация сделала меня терминатором ан-глийского языка. Удачи, и я надеюсь эта книга поможет вам на вашем нелегком пу ти в этом глупом английском языке!



Yeah, I am aware that you probably know it all and this shit is just boring, but trust me…there

is a point to this. It never hurts to go over these again. So, before you say, “Fuck this, I paid so much money for this shit!” Give it a chance. All I am trying to do is fll the blanks our educational system did not cover, because we all know it sucks lol

Sit back, grab a snack and relax, but make sure you pay attention and take notes. Tis shit is basic, but a lot of people actually lack this basic knowledge. Be ahead of the game and get the foundation of it all, it’s gonna make it all so much easier in the long run. Let’s break it down together!

1. Nouns

Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas.

Look around you. Everything that you see, you can name. What do you see? A Computer? A Bed? A

goose? Well, maybe not a goose, but I’ve seen a lot of those in the comments under my videos lol Anyway, there are diferent types of nouns:

• Common: Tese name general, nonspecifc people, places, things, or ideas. Tey start with a lowercase letter unless they begin a sentence.

city, doctor, park

• Proper: Tese name specifc people, places, things, or ideas. You always capitalize the frst letter of those.

New York City, Doctor House, Central Park

• Abstract: Tey name something you can’t perceive with your fve senses. Something that doesn’t physically exist.

happiness, freedom

• Concrete: Tese name something that you can perceive with your fve senses, something that physically exists.

plate, pillow, Danielle

• Countable: Te ones that can be counted, and use both the singular and the plural forms. Anything you can make plural is a countable noun.

song/songs, phone/phones

• Uncountable: Tese can’t be counted, and only use the singular form. music, water, milk