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2. Predicate: Te predicate contains info about the subject of the sentence. So basically, it’s all the other shit that’s lef.

Nick is really weird.

My friends and I make videos for each other.

My house has 4 bathrooms.

Before accusing me of cheating my teacher should probably have some evidence. Types of sentences

A simple sentence has only ONE CLAUSE:

Susan wanted to get drunk.

Everyone is learning English.

A compound sentence has TWO OR MORE CLAUSES:

Susan went to the bar and got drunk.

Everyone is learning English, so they could communicate with people from all over the world.

THE CLAUSES in a COMPOUND SENTENCE are joined by coordinating conjuctions: Susan went to the bar AND got drunk.

Everyone is learning English, SO they could communicate with people from all over the world.

Te common coordinating conjunctions are: AND, BUT, OR, NOR, SO, THEN, YET A complex sentence has a MAIN CLAUSE and ONE OR MORE ADVERBIAL CLAUSES that usually come afer the MAIN CLAUSE.

His friends helped him when he needed them.

His friends helped him – MAIN CLAUSE


He needed them – ADVERBAL CLAUSE

Some SUBORDINATE CLAUSES can come in front of the MAIN CLAUSE: Although his friends had other shit to do they helped him. Although – SUBORDINATING CONJUCTION His friends had other shit to do – ADVERBAL CLAUSE Tey helped him – MAIN CLAUSE

Verb Forms

Tere are only 5 basic forms for each verb: root, third-person singular, present participle, past, and past participle.


Te root form of the verb is the base. Te root is usually very easy to fgure out: it’s the infnitive form with –to removed.

To be – be

To go – go

To shit – shit

Te root form is used to create most other forms of verbs.


Te 3rd person singular (he/she/it/one) verbs usually end in –s (or –es) She thinks

One feels

He likes

It moves


Te present participle is the root word + ing. As we’ve covered previously, its used in the past, present, and future progressive tenses.

Shit – shitting

Swear – swearing

Cry – crying

Do – doing


Te past and past participle for regular verbs is the root word +ed. It’s ONLY used with the past tenses. Touch – touched

Load – loaded

Lick – licked

Look – looked

Te Past Participle can be difcult to fgure out for some irregular verbs. You have to look them up…I know you hate them, but I promise you they hate you too.

See – Saw – Seen

Take – Took – Taken

Go – Went – Gone

Put – Put – Put



Part One

Okay, now you are ready. Tis is what it all comes down to. Being able to describe things is the most valuable language skill we all have, because about 70% of our daily conversations consist of describing something in one way or another. So let’s dive into those techniques and describe the shit out of something at the end of the chapter lol

Te frst skill we ought to obtain is comparing. Tis is probably the easiest way to describe shit… COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES