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Эллиот Аронсон

44. Hirschom, M. (1987, April 29). AIDS not seen as a major threat by heterosexuals on campuses. Chronicle of Higher Education.

45. Aronson, E. (1989). Excuses, excuses, excuses: Why sexually active college students do not use condoms. Invited address, meeting of the Western Psychological Association, 1989.

46. Aronson, E. (1991). How to persuade sexually active college students to use condoms. Invited address, meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.

47. Nisbett, R., Borgida, E, Crandall, R., amp; Reed, Н. (1976). Popular introduction: Information is not always informative. In J.S. Carroll and J.W. Payne (Eds.), Cognition and social behavior^. 227-236). Hilisdale, NJ: Eribaum. Nisbett, R., amp; Ross, L. (1980). Human inference: Strategies and shortcomings of social judgement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Hamill, R., DeCamp Wllson, Т., amp; Nisbett, R. (1980). Insensiv-ity to sample bias: Generalizing from atypical cases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 578-589. Шелли Тейлор, социальный психолог-когнитивист, утверждает, что эффект ‹яркости› не подтверждается большинством экспериментальных результатов. Обсуждение этой темы - см.: Taylor, S., amp; Thompson, S. (1982). Stalking the elusive ‹vividness› effect. Psychological Review, 89, 155-181.

48. Gonzales, M.H., Aronson, E., amp; Costanzo, M. (1988). Increasing the effectiveness of energy auditors: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 1049- 1066.

49. Hovland, С., Lumsdain, A., amp; Sheffield, F. (1949). Experiments on mass communications. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

50. Miller, N., amp; Campbell, D. (1959). Recency and primacy in persuasion as a function of the timing of speeches and measurements. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59,1-9.

51. Zimbardo, P. (1960). Involvement and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion conformity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60, 86-94.

52. Whittaker, J.O. (1963). Opinion change as a function of communication-attitude discrepancy. Psychological Reports, 13, 763-772.

53. Hovland, С., Harvey, O.J., amp; Sherif, M. (1957). Assimilation and contrast effects in reaction to communication and attitude change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55,244-252.

54. Aronson, E., Turner, J., amp; Carlsmith, J.M. (1963). Communication credibility and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67,31-36.

55. Zellner, M. (1970). Self-esteem, reception, and influenceability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15, 87-93.

57. Hass, R.G., amp; Grady, K. (1975). Temporal delay, type of forewarning, and resistance to influence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, II, 459-469.

58. Freedman, J., amp; Sears, D. (1965). Warning, distraction, and resistance to influence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 262-266.