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[94] James Higgo, “A Lazy Layman’s Guide to Quantum Physics,” 1999, www.higgo.com/quantum/laymans.htm.

[95] Schwartz, Stapp, and Beauregard, “Quantum Physics in Neuroscience and Psychology.”

[96] Schwartz and Begley, Mind and the Brain; Schwartz and Gladding, You Are Not Your Brain; Schwartz, Stapp, and Beauregard, “Quantum Physics in Neuroscience and Psychology.”

[97] Caroline Leaf, “The Mind Mapping Approach: A Model and Framework for Geodesic Learning,” unpublished DPhil dissertation, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 1997; Caroline Leaf, “The Mind Mapping Approach: A Technique for Closed Head Injury,” unpublished master’s dissertation, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 1990.

[98] Carol Dweck, “Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement Across Adolescent Transition: A Longitudinal Study and an Intervention,” Child Development 78 (2007): 246–63.

[99] McCraty, “Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention,” 4.

[100] Church, Genie in Your Genes.

[101] Giacomo Rizzolatti and L. Craighero,“The Mirror-Neuron System,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 27 (2004): 169–92.

[102] Caroline Leaf, Who Switched O! Your Brain? Solving the Mystery of He Said/She Said (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011).

[103] Dean Radin, “Testing Nonlocal Observation as a Source of Intuitive Knowledge,” Explore 4, no. 1 (2008): 25.

[104] Thomas E. Oxman et al., “Lack of Social Participation or Religious Strength and Comfort as Risk Factors for Death after Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly,” Psychosomatic Medicine 57 (1995): 5.

[105] Linda H. Powell et al., “Religion and Spirituality: Linkages to Physical Health,” American Psychologist 58, no. 1 (2003): 36.

[106] Larry Dossey, Prayer Is Good Medicine (San Francisco: HarperOne, 1997).

[107] John A. Astin et al., “The Efficacy of ‘Distant Healing’: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials,” Annals of Internal Medicine 12 (2000): 903; Wayne B. Jonas, “The Middle Way: Realistic Randomized Controlled Trials for the Evaluation of Spiritual Healing,” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 7, no. 1 (2001): 5–7.

[108] David Levy and Joel Kilpatrick, Gray Matter: A Neurosurgeon Discovers the Power of Prayer ... One Patient at a Time (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2012); Matt Donnelly, “Faith Boosts Cognitive Management of HIV and Cancer,” Science & Theology News (2006): 16.

[109] Levy and Kilpatrick, Gray Matter, 19.

[110] Sundance Bilson-Thompson, Fotini Markopoulou, and Lee Smolin, “Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model,” Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, no. 16 (2007): 3975–93.