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Пер Андерс Рудлинг


Grzegorz Motyka sums up the situation: «Altogether, during the years 1943-47, 80,000–100,000 Poles and 10,000-20,000 Ukrainians. In Volhynia the relation is simply stunning — on the Polish side were maybe even 50,000-60,000 victims, on the Ukrainian — no more than 2,000-3,000. As for families, more than a million Poles were displaced and about 630,000 Ukrainians and Lemkos». Motyka. Zapomnijcie o Giedroyciu.


Grzegorz Motyka. Od rzezi wolynskiej do akcji «Wisla»: Konflike polsko-ukrainski 1943–1947. Krakow, 2011. P. 448.


Provincial Archives of Alberta (Henceforth PAA). Michael Chomiak Collection. Accession 85.191. File 59. Document 1.


PAA. 85.191. File 59. Documents 1–13. This argument has been made in greater detail by other scholars, who have worked with the same material. See Czeslaw Partacz and Krzysztof Lada. Kto zaczql? Polacy i Ukraincy na Lubelszczyznie w latach 1941–1943. // G. Motyka, D. Libionka (Eds.). Antypolska akcja OUN-UPA 1943–1944. Fakty i interpretacje. Warsaw, 2002. Pp. 33–40.


On the OUN(b) action program for the case of war, see «The Military Doctrine of the Ukrainian Nationalists», written by Mykhailo Kolodzins'kyi in 1938, which stipulated that «hostile» national minorities, that is, Poles, Jews, and Russians, should be cleansed from the Western Ukrainian lands. «Expel literally to the last person the Polish element from the Western Ukrainian lands and thereby end Polish pretensions about the Polish character of these lands». Zaitsev. Viina iak prodovzhennia polityky. P. 239, citing Arkhiv OUN u Kyevi. F. 1. Op. 2. Spr. 466. Ark. 103. On the OUN(b)'s action plan to kill Jews, Poles, and other minorities in the wake of Barbarossa, see May 1941's «Borot'ba i diialnist' OUN(b) pid chas viiny: Instruktsii Revolutsiinoho Provodu OUN(B) dlia orhanizatsiinoho aktyvu v Ukraini na period viiny: Viiskovi instruktsii», and «Vkazivky na pershi dni orhanizatsii derzhavnoho zhyttia» in TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 3833. Op. 2. Spr. 1. Ark. 25–33 and 33–57. 372


For instance, Ihor Iliushyn has pointed out the Siemaszkos' near-exclusive reliance on Polish sources, identification with Polish nationalist formations, and overestimation of the supposed «good neighborhood» and «friendly relations» between Poles and Ukrainians in the 1930s. Ihor Iliushyn. Ukrains'ka povstans'ka armiia i Armiia kraiova: protystoinnia v zakhidnii Ukraini (1939–1945 rr.). Kyiv, 2009. Pp. 44–50.