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Пер Андерс Рудлинг


V'iatrovych. Druha pol's'ko-ukrains'ka viina. P. 132, citing TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 3838. Op. 1. Spr. 90. Ark. 13.


As demonstrated by Jared McBride's detailed study of the Malyn massacre, which was presented at a Kyiv conference where V'iatrovych was present. Jared McBride. Through an Ethnic Lens, Darkly: The Massacre at Malyn, July 1943 / Paper presented at the international conference «World War II and the (Re)Creation of Historical Memory in Contemporary Ukraine». Kyiv, Ukraine, September 23–26, 2009.


Rudling. OUN, UPA, Holocaust. P. 25. On Mirchuk's attitude to Jews, see Petro Mirchuk. My Meetings and Discussions in Israel: Are Ukrainians «Traditionally Anti-Semites»? New York, 1982.


Lew Shansky. The Teaching of «Holocaust» // ABN Correspondence. 1979. Vol. XXX. No. 2. P. 45. On the role of the OUN(b) militia in the pogrom, see John-Paul Himka. The Lviv Pogrom of 1941: The Germans, Ukrainian Nationalists, and the Carnival Crowd // Canadian Slavonic Papers. 2011. Vol. LIII. Pp. 209–243.


See, for instance Karel C. Berkhoff and Marco Carynnyk. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Its Attitude toward Germans and Jews: Iaroslav Stets'ko's 1941 Zhyttiepys // Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1999. Vol. XXIII. P. 149.


Pavlo Solod'ko. Volodymyr V'iatrovych: «Volyns'ka trahediia — chastyna pol'sko-ukrains'koi viiny» // Ukrains'ka Pravda. 12.06.2011. http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2011/07/12/45443/viewprint (Last Accessed: October 12, 2011).






«Honka trupiv» u Volyns'kii trahedii liakae — V'iatrovych // Istorichna pravda. 27.09.2011. http://www.istpravda.com.ua/short/2011/09/27/56799/ (Last accessed: October 14, 2011).


This author had a recent experience of this when he and some other contributors unsuccessfully tried to convince the editor of a recent volume on the OUN-UPA antiPolish violence to remove a factually incorrect passage on «the plight of about 200,000 Poles, women, old people, and children, who were butchered in a barbarian fashion by Ukrainian Nazis from the SS Galizien and the OUN-UPA». Boguslaw Paz. Przemilczenie jako radykalna forma klamstwa historycznego: Filozoficzna analiza zjawiska przemilczewnia w kontekscie ludobojstwa na kresach // Idem (Ed.). Prawda Historyczna a prawda polityczna w badaniach naukowych: Przyklad ludobojstwa na kresach poludniowo-wschodniej Polski w latach 1939–1946 (=Acta Universitatis Wratislavensis 3300). Wroclaw, 2011. P. 138.


Grzegorz Motyka. Konflikt polsko-ukrainski w latach 1943–1948: aktualny stan badan // Warszawskie Zeszyty Historyczne. 1989. Vol. 8–9. Pp. 323–325; Rossolinski-Liebe. Der polnisch-ukrainische Historikerdiskurs. P. 55, Fn. 8, 59. On the historiography of the Volhynian massacre, see Ilushyn. Ukrains'ka povstans'ka armiia. Pp. 13–66; Antonina Kozyrska. Bibliografia problematyki stosunkow polsko-ukrainskich 1939–1947 / Paper presented at the XIII International Seminar «Polska — Ukraina, Trudne problemy. Stosunki polsko-ukrainskie w latach 1939–1947», June 4–6 2008; Rafal Wnuk. Recent Polish Historiography on Polish-Ukrainian Relations during World War II and its Aftermath // InterMarium. 2004. Vol. 7. http://www.ece.columbia.edu/research/intermarium/vol7no1/ wnuk.pdf (Last accessed: October 14, 2011); Rossolinski-Liebe. Der polnisch-ukrainische Historikerdiskurs. Pp. 54–85.