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Пер Андерс Рудлинг


Per Anders Rudling. Theory and Practice: Historical Representation of the War-Time Activities of the OUN-UPA (The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalist-Ukrainian Insurgent Army) // East European Jewish Affairs. 2006. Vol. 36. Pp.



On Litopys UPA editors Evhen Shtendera, Petro Potichnyj, and Petro Sodol's work for/ funding by the CIA, see NARA. RG 263. Box 59. NN3-263-02-008. AERODYNAMICS. Vol. 45. Contact reports, 18 Nov. 1960, 18 Dec. 1961; NARA RG, Box 59, NN3-263-02-008, QRPLUMB, Vol. 5, 1 of 2, Box 59, NN3-263-02-008, «Acknowledgment and release, 22 of February, 1991»; NARA. RG 263. ZZ-19. AERODYNAMICS. Vol 35. N. 1 of 3. 8 Nov. 1966.


Volodymyr Kubijovych to Vasyl' Veryha. Plan «Istorii UtsK». September 17, 1979 // Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa. MG 31. Series D203. Dossier 54.

P. 45, Q6-28782.


Kurylo and Himka. Iak OUN. P. 259.



Rudling. OUN, UPA, and Holocaust. P. 20


Kurylo and Himka. Iak OUN. P. 258. «Video: vtoraia chast besedy s istorikom Vladi-mirom Viatrovichem v programme 'Alef'» // Dnepropetrovskaia evreiskaia obshchina. 16.10.2011. http://www.djc.com.ua/?page=news&type=news&mnu=9&artid=6417 (Last accessed: February 21, 2012).


Motyka. Ukrainska partyzantka 1942–1960. P. 307, citing DA SBU. Z. 65. j.a. 49532. T. 1. K. 168–169.


V'iatrovych. Volyns'ka tragediia — chastyna pol's'ko-ukrains'koi viiny.


John-Paul Himka. Ukrainian past and Ukrainian future // Kyiv Post. 20.09.2010. http:// www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/detail/83019/ (Last accessed: March 14, 2012).


Protokol doprosa arestovannogo Stel'mashchuk Iuriia Aleksandrovicha, 28 fevralia 1945 goda // HDA SBU. F. 13. Spr. 373. T. 89. Ark. 30–33, 39. As a note of caution regarding using Litopys UPA as a source, it should perhaps be added that the information on Stelmash- chuk's background as the first head of the auxiliary police in the Zhytomyr region in July 1941, evident from HDA SBU. F. 5. Spr. 67434. Ll. 24–40, is omitted from the published version in: Litopys UPA. Vol. 9. P. 430. Thanks to Ivan Kachanovski for this reference.


V'iatrovych. Druha pol's'ko-ukrains'ka viina. P. 132, citing TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 3838. Op. 1. Spr. 90. Ark. 13.


As demonstrated by Jared McBride's detailed study of the Malyn massacre, which was presented at a Kyiv conference where V'iatrovych was present. Jared McBride. Through an Ethnic Lens, Darkly: The Massacre at Malyn, July 1943 / Paper presented at the international conference «World War II and the (Re)Creation of Historical Memory in Contemporary Ukraine». Kyiv, Ukraine, September 23–26, 2009.


Rudling. OUN, UPA, Holocaust. P. 25. On Mirchuk's attitude to Jews, see Petro Mirchuk. My Meetings and Discussions in Israel: Are Ukrainians «Traditionally Anti-Semites»? New York, 1982.