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Илья Михайлович Франк

Out of the mist, one hundred yards away, came Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"It," whispered Eckels. "It……


It came on great oiled, resilient, striding legs. It towered thirty feet above half of the trees, a great evil god, folding its delicate watchmaker's claws close to its oily reptilian chest. Each lower leg was a piston, a thousand pounds of white bone, sunk in thick ropes of muscle, sheathed over in a gleam of pebbled skin like the mail of a terrible warrior. Each thigh was a ton of meat, ivory, and steel mesh. And from the great breathing cage of the upper body those two delicate arms dangled out front, arms with hands which might pick up and examine men like toys, while the snake neck coiled. And the head itself, a ton of sculptured stone, lifted easily upon the sky. Its mouth gaped, exposing a fence of teeth like daggers. Its eyes rolled, ostrich eggs, empty of all expression save hunger. It closed its mouth in a death grin. It ran, its pelvic bones crushing aside trees and bushes, its taloned feet clawing damp earth, leaving prints six inches deep wherever it settled its weight.

It ran with a gliding ballet step (он бежал скользящим балетным шагом), far too poised and balanced for its ten tons (слишком уравновешенным и сбалансированным для его десяти тонн: far — слишком, too — слишком). It moved into a sunlit area warily (он осторожно переместился в освещенную солнцем область), its beautifully reptilian hands feeling the air (его красивые ручки рептилии прощупали воздух).

"Why, why," Eckels twitched his mouth (подергивал ртом = губы дрожали). "It could reach up and grab the moon (он мог бы вытянуться вверх и схватить луну)."

"Sh!" Travis jerked angrily (бросил сердито: to jerk — говорить отрывисто). "He hasn't seen us yet (он нас еще не видел)."