Читать «Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов» онлайн - страница 39

Илья Михайлович Франк

disappeared [dɪsǝˈpɪǝd], amiable [ˈeɪmɪǝbl], trousers [ˈtrauzǝz], science [ˈsaɪǝns]

He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman. His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled. It was not merely that Holmes changed his costume. His expression, his manner, his very soul seemed to vary with every fresh part that he assumed. The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime.

It was a quarter past six (было четверть седьмого: «четверть после шести») when we left Baker Street (когда мы покинули Бэйкер-стрит = вышли из дома), and it still wanted ten minutes to the hour (и это требовало еще десять минут до того часа = до назначенного часа оставалось еще десять минут) when we found ourselves in Serpentine Avenue (когда мы оказались: «нашли себя» на Серпентайн-авеню). It was already dusk (уже смеркалось; dusk — сумерки), and the lamps were just being lighted (и фонари только что зажглись: «были зажжены») as we paced up and down in front of Briony Lodge (когда мы расхаживали мимо Брайони-лодж), waiting for the coming of its occupant (ожидая прибытия его жильца). The house was just such as I had pictured it from Sherlock Holmes's succinct description (дом был точно такой, как я себе представлял по краткому/сжатому описанию Шерлока Холмса), but the locality appeared to be less private than I expected (но окрестность оказалась не такой безлюдной: «менее закрытой для публики», чем я ожидал). On the contrary (напротив), for a small street in a quiet neighborhood (для маленькой улицы в тихом районе), it was remarkably animated (она была необыкновенно оживленной). There was a group of shabbily dressed men (там была группа убого одетых людей = оборванцев) smoking and laughing in a corner (курящих и смеющихся на углу), a scissors-grinder with his wheel (точильщик /ножниц/ со своим колесом; scissors — ножницы), two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl (два гвардейца, которые флиртовали с нянькой), and several well-dressed young men (и несколько хорошо одетых молодых людей) who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths (которые слонялись туда-сюда с сигарами во рту: «в их ртах»).

quarter [ˈkwɔ:tǝ], occupant [ˈɔkjupǝnt], succinct [sǝkˈsɪŋkt], scissors [ˈsɪzǝz]

It was a quarter past six when we left Baker Street, and it still wanted ten minutes to the hour when we found ourselves in Serpentine Avenue. It was already dusk, and the lamps were just being lighted as we paced up and down in front of Briony Lodge, waiting for the coming of its occupant. The house was just such as I had pictured it from Sherlock Holmes's succinct description, but the locality appeared to be less private than I expected. On the contrary, for a small street in a quiet neighborhood, it was remarkably animated. There was a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and laughing in a corner, a scissors-grinder with his wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and several well-dressed young men who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths.