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Илья Михайлович Франк

"No sign of it?"

"Absolutely none."

Holmes laughed (засмеялся). "It is quite a pretty little problem (это довольно милая маленькая проблема = вот так задача)," said he.

"But a very serious one to me (но для меня очень серьезная /задача/)," returned the King reproachfully (ответил король укоризненно).

"Very, indeed. And what does she propose to do with the photograph (и что она предполагает сделать с фотографией)?"

"To ruin me (погубить меня)."

"But how?"

"I am about to be married (я собираюсь жениться: «я рядом с тем, чтобы быть женатым»)."

"So I have heard (об этом я слышал)."

propose [prǝˈpǝuz]

Holmes laughed. "It is quite a pretty little problem," said he.

"But a very serious one to me," returned the King reproachfully.

"Very, indeed. And what does she propose to do with the photograph?"

"To ruin me."

"But how?"

"I am about to be married."

"So I have heard."

"To Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen (на Клотильде Лотман фон Саксе-Менинген), second daughter of the King of Scandinavia (второй дочери короля Скандинавии). You may know the strict principles of her family (вы, может быть, знаете строгие принципы ее семьи). She is herself the very soul of delicacy (она сама — душа изысканности = воплощенная изысканность). A shadow of a doubt as to my conduct (тень сомнения относительно моего прошлого; conduct — поведение, поступок) would bring the matter to an end (привело бы дело к концу = к разрыву)."

"And Irene Adler?"

"Threatens to send them the photograph (угрожает послать им фотографию). And she will do it (и она это сделает). I know that she will do it. You do not know her (вы не знаете ее), but she has a soul of steel (но у нее душа из стали = железный характер). She has the face of the most beautiful of women (у нее лицо самой прекрасной из женщин), and the mind of the most resolute of men (и разум самого твердого из мужчин). Rather than I should marry another woman (только бы не дать мне жениться на другой; rather than — скорее чем), there are no lengths to which she would not go — none (она ни перед чем не остановится: «нет таких расстояний, которые бы она не прошла»)."

daughter [ˈdɔ:tǝ], family [ˈfæmǝlɪ], threaten [Ɵretn], beautiful [ˈbju:tɪfǝl], marry [ˈmærɪ]

"To Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen, second daughter of the King of Scandinavia. You may know the strict principles of her family. She is herself the very soul of delicacy. A shadow of a doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end."

"And Irene Adler?"

"Threatens to send them the photograph. And she will do it. I know that she will do it. You do not know her, but she has a soul of steel. She has the face of the most beautiful of women, and the mind of the most resolute of men. Rather than I should marry another woman, there are no lengths to which she would not go — none."

"You are sure that she has not sent it yet (вы уверены, что она не послала ее еще)?"

"I am sure (уверен)."

"And why?"

"Because she has said that she would send it on the day (потому что она сказала, что пошлет ее в тот день) when the betrothal was publicly proclaimed (когда помолвка будет публично объявлена; to proclaim — провозглашать). That will be next Monday (это будет /в/ следующий понедельник)."