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Илья Михайлович Франк

Govt. Official (правительственный служащий): "If you had a yacht (если бы у тебя была яхта), what would you do with it? (чтобы ты с ней сделал)"

Moishe: "Give it to Mother Russia (отдал бы Матери-России)."

Govt. Official: "And if you had a palace (дворец; palace [ˈpælɪs]), what would you do with it?"

Moishe: "Give it to Mother Russia."

Govt. Official: "And if you had a sweater (свитер), what would you do with it?"

No reply (нет ответа).

Government official asks the question again (снова задает: «спрашивает» этот вопрос).

And still (все еще, по-прежнему) no reply.

Finally (наконец) he shouts (выкрикивает): "Moishe, why don't you reply?"

Moishe: "Because I have a sweater (потому что у меня есть свитер)."

Moishe is being indoctrinated by the Russian government:

Govt. Official: "If you had a yacht, what would you do with it?"

Moishe: "Give it to Mother Russia."

Govt. Official: "And if you had a palace, what would you do with it?"

Moishe: "Give it to Mother Russia."

Govt. Official: "And if you had a sweater, what would you do with it?"

No reply.

Government official asks the question again.

And still no reply.

Finally he shouts: "Moishe, why don't you reply?"

Moishe: "Because I have a sweater."

If you had a yacht, what would you do with it?

Dear Dad,

$chool i$ really great (школа про$то $упер). I am making lot$ of friend$ (я дружу $о многими: «делаю кучи дру$ей») and $tudying very hard (и учу$ь у$иленно). With all my $tuff ($ моей нагру$кой), I $imply can't think of anything I need (я про$то не могу думать о чем-то, в чем я нуждаю$ь), $o if you would like (и е$ли ты хочешь), you can ju$t $end me a card (ты можешь по$лать мне открытку), a$ I would love to hear from you (так как я хочу получить изве$тие от тебя: «у$лышать от тебя»).

Love ($ любовью),

Your $on (твой $ын)


The Reply (ответ):

Dear Shlomo,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy (я знаю, что астроNOмии, экоNOмики и океаNOграфии) are eNOugh to keep (довольNO, чтобы сделать: «держать, удерживать») even an hoNOr student busy (даже почетNOго студента занятым; honor — честь; honor student — особо хорошо успевающий студент, получающий известную долю независимости /в выборе того, чем ему заниматься/. При этом полагаются на его добросовестность — «честь»). Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge (NO не забудь, что погоня за знанием) is a NOble task (благородNOе дело: «задача»), and you can never study eNOugh (и ты не можешь никогда учиться достаточNO).

Love your father,


Dear Dad,

$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.


Your $on


The Reply:

Dear Shlomo,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.

Love your father,
