Читать «Древние ольмеки: история и проблематика исследований» онлайн - страница 131

Андрей Владимирович Табарев


См, Robles R. R., Martinez G. D. Hallazgos funerarios de la Epoca Olmeca en Chilpancingo, Guerrero // Arqueologia. - 1989.-V. l.-P. 13–22.


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Agrinier P. The Early Olmec Horizon at Mirador, Chiapas, Mexico // Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1984. - N, 48; Idem. Mirador Plumajillo, Chiapas у sus relaciones con quarto sitios del Horizonte Olmecaen Veracruz, Chiapas у la Costa de Guatemala // Arqueologia. - 1989. - Epoca 2. - N. 2. - P. 19–36.


См.: Andrews E. W. V. A Cache of Early Jades from Chacsinkin, Yucatan // Mexicon. - 1987. - N. 9. - P. 78–85.


См.: Gordon G. B. Caverns of Copan, Honduras: Report of Explorations by the Museum, 1896–1897 // Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. - 1898. -Vol. l.-P. 137–148.


См.: Fash W. S. Scribes, Warriors, and Kings. - London; N. Y., 1991; Schele L., Miller M. E. Blood of Kings. - Fort Worth, 1986.


См., напр.: Healy P. F. Ancient Honduras: Power, Wealth and Rank in Early Chiefdoms // Wealth and Hierarchy in the Intermediate Area. - Washington, D. С — 1992. - P. 85–108.


The Olmec and Their Neighbors. - Washington, D. C, 1981; Regional Perspectives on the Olmec. - Cambridge; N. Y, 1983; El Preclasico о Formativo: Avances у Perspectivas: Semmario de Arqueologia. Dr. Roman Pina Chan. - Mexico, 1989.


Diehl R. A. Olmec Archaeology: What We Know and What We Wish We Knew // Regional Perspectives on the Olmec. - Cambridge; N. Y„1989. - P. 23–26.


Solaria N. G., Schavelson D. G. Corpus Bibliografico de la Cultura Olmeca. - Mexico, 1980; Beverido P. F. Bibliografia Olmeca. - Xalapa, 1986; Idem. Breve Historia de la Arqueologia Olmeca // La Palabra у El Hombre. - 1987. - N. 64. - P. 161–194.


См.: Cyphers A. G. San Lorenzo // Los Olmecas en Mesoamerica. - Mexico City; Madrid, 1994. - P. 43–67; Idem. Lanueva eabeza colossal de San Lorenzo//Antropologicas. - 1994. -N. 11.-P. 55–72; Idem. Three New Olmec Sculptures from Southern Veracruz // Mexicon. - 1994. - Vol. 16. - P. 30–32.


См.: Symonds S. C, Lunagomez R. Settlement System and Population Development at San Lorenzo //Olmec to Aztec. Settlement Patterns in the Ancient Gulf Lowlands. - Tuscon, 1997.


Ortiz P., Rodriguez M. del С A Massive Offering of Axes at La Merced, Higalgotitlan, Mexico // Olmec Art and Archaeology in Mesoamerica. - New Haven, 2000 — P. 154–167.


Gonzalez Lauck R. La Venta: An Olmec Capital // Olmec Art of Ancient Mexico. - Washington, 1996. - P. 73–81; Idem. Acerca de piramides de tierra у seres sobrenaturales; observaciones preliminaries en torno al Edificio C-1, La Venta, Tabasco // Arqueologia. - 1997. - N. 17. - P. 79–97.