Читать «Древние ольмеки: история и проблематика исследований» онлайн - страница 129

Андрей Владимирович Табарев


См., напр.: Caso A. Existio un imperio oImeca?//Memoria del Colegio Nacional. -1965. — Vol.5, N. 3. -P. 11–60; Bernal I. The Olmec World. - Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1969.


Dumbarton Oaks Conference on Olmec. - Washington, D. C. 1968.


Furst P. Т. The Olmec Were-Jaguar Motive in the Light of Ethnographic Reality // Dumbarton Oaks Conference on Olmec. -Washington, D. C, 1968. - P. 143–179.


Pina Chan R., Covarrubias L. El Pueblo del jaguar.-Mexico City, 1964.


Bernal I. The Olmec World. - Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1969. Оригинальная версия опубликована на испанском языке годом раньше. Bernal I. E! Mundo Olmeca. - Mexico City, 1968.


Имя фермера Эстебан Санто. Точная дата находки неизвестна. К. Пул сообщает, что это произошло «около 1970 г.» (см.: Pool С. A. Settlement Archaeology and Political Economy at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. - Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2003).


Observations on the Emergence of Civilization in Mesoamerica // Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility. - 1971. -Vol. 11; Origins of Religious Art and Iconography in Preclassic Mesoamerica. -Los Angeles, 1976.


BoveF. J. Laguna de los Cerros: An Olmec Central Place//Journal of New World Archaeology. - 1978.-Vol. II, N. 3.-P. 1-56.


Fuente B. de la. Escultura monumental olmeca. - Mexico, 1973.


См.: Ekholm-Мillег S. The Olmec Rock Carving at Xoc, Chiapas, Mexico // Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1973. - N. 32; Navarrete C. The Olmec Rock Carvings at Pijijiapan, Chiapas, Mexico and Other Pieces from Chiapas and Guatemala // Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1974. - N. 35.


Shook Е. М. Inventory of Some Pre-Classic Traits in the Highlands and Pacific Guatemala and Ajacent Areas // Observations on the Emergence of Civilization in Mesoamerica. - Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility. - 1971. - Vol. 11. - P. 70–77.


Graham J. A. Discoveries at Abaj Takalik, Guatemala // Archaeology. -1977. - Vol. 30. - P. 196–197; Idem. Maya, Olmecs and Izapans at Abaj Takalik // Actes du XLII Conrges International des Americatistes. - P., 1979. - Vol. 8. - P. 179–188.


Gay С. Т. Е. Xochipala: The Beginnings of Olmec Art. Exhibition Catalog. - Princeton, 1972; Henderson J. S. Atopula, Guerrero, and Olmec Horizons in Mesoamerica // Yale Publications in Anthropology. - 1979. - Vol. 77.


Grove D. C. Chalcatzingo: Excavations on the Olmec Frontier. - L.; N. Y., 1984.