Читать «Древние ольмеки: история и проблематика исследований» онлайн - страница 127

Андрей Владимирович Табарев


Drucker P., Heizer R. F., Squire R. J. Excavation at La Venta, Tabasco. - P. 152–158.


Drucker P., Heizer R. F., Squire R. J. Excavation at La Venta, Tabasco. - P. 152.


Drucker P., Heizer R. F. Gifts for the Jaguar God. - P. 366–375.


Drucker P., Heizer R. E, Squire R. J. Excavation at La Venta, Tabasco.


Heizer R. F. Specific and Generic Characteristics of Olmec Culture // XXXIII Congreso de Americanistas. - 1959. - Vol. II. -P. 178–182.


См.: Stirling M. W. The Olmec, Artists in Jade//Essays in Precolumbian Art and Archaeology. -Cambridge, 196.1. -P. 43–59.


См., напр.: Lowe G. W. Archaeological Exploration of the Upper Grijalva River, Chiapas, Mexico // Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1959. - N. 2; Navarrete C. A Brief Reconnaissance in the Region of Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico //Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1959. -N. 4.; Idem. Archaeological Exploration in the Region of Frailesca, Chiapas // Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. - 1960. - N. 7.


Boggs S. H. «Olmec» Pictographs in the Las Victorias Group, Chalchuapa Archaeological Zone // Carnegie Institution of Washington Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology. - 1959. - Vol. 99; Shook E. M. An Olmec Sculpture From Guatemala // Archaeology. - 1956. - Vol. IX, N. 4. - P. 260–262; Balser C. Los «baby-faces» Olmecas de Costa Rica // Actas del XXXII Congresso lnternacional de Americanistas. - San Jose, 1959. - Vol. 2. - P. 280–285.


См.: Pina Chan R. Chalcatzingo, Morelos // Institute Nacional de Anthropologia e Historia. - 1955. - Informs. - N. 4; Covarrubias M. Indian Art of Mexico and Central America. -N. Y., 1957.


Сое М. D. Archaeological Synthesis of Southern Veracruz and Tabasco // Handbook of Middle American Indians. - Vol. 3. - Austin, 1965. -P. 679–715. В этом же издании опубликована и другая, не менее важная статья: Сое М. D. The Olmec Style and Its Distribution. - P. 739–775.


См., напр.: Сое W, R., Stuckenrath R. Jr. A Review of La Venta, Tabasco and Its Relevance to the Olmec Problem//The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. - 1964. - N. 31. - P. 1-44.


Drucker P., Heizer R. F. Commentary on W. R. Сое and Robert Stuckenrath's Review of «Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955» // Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. - 1965. - Vol. XXXIII. - P. 37–70.


Berger R. J., Graham J. A., Heizer R. F. A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site // Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility.- 1967.- Vol. 3.-P. 1-24.