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Андрей Владимирович Табарев


Drucker P. Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico // Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1943. - Bulletin 140; Idem. Ceramic Stratigraphy at Cerro de las Mesas, Veracruz //Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1943. -Bulletin 141; Idem. Some Implications on the Ceramic Complex of La Venta//Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Collections. - 1947.-Vol. CVII, N. 8; Idem. La Venta, Tabasco: A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art//Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1952.-Bulletin 153.


Weiant C. W. An Introduction to the Ceramics of Tres Zapotes // Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1943. - Bulletin 139.


Ibid. — Р. XII.


Stirling M. W. Stone Monuments of Southern Mexico.


Drucker P. Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. - P. 6.


Weiant C. W. An Introduction to the Ceramics of Tres Zapotes. - P. 4.


Drucker P. Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. - P. 2.


Weiant C. W. An Introduction to the ceramics of Tres Zapotes. -P. 11.


Drucker P. Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico. - P. 14.


Idem. La Venta, Tabasco: A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art// Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1952. — Bulletin 153. - P. 7.


Цит. по: Lyon к. D. (Re) Discovering the Olmec. - P. 66.


Stirling M. W. Stone Monuments of the Rio Chiquito, Veracruz, Mexico // Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1955. — Bulletin 157. - P. 1–23.


Drucker P. Middle Tres Zapotes and the Pre-Classic Ceramic Sequence // American Antiquity. - 1952. - Vol. XVII, N. 3.-P. 259.


Idem. Some Implications on the Ceramic Complex of La Venta // Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Collections. - 1947, Vol. CVII.N. 8.- P.3.


Stirling M. W. On the Trail of La Venta Man // National Geographic. - 1947. - Vol. XCI, N. 2. - P. 137–172.


Stirling M. W. Stone Monuments of the Rio Chiquito, Veracruz, Mexico// Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1955. —Bulletin 157.-P. 1-23.


Ibid. - P. 22.


Цит. по: Saunders N. People of the Jaguar. - L., 1989. - P. 43.


Цит. по: Lyon R. D. (Re) Discovering the Olmec. - P. 107.


Drucker P., Contreras E. Site Patterns in the Eastern Part of Olmec Territory // Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. - 1953. - Vol. XUII. - P. 389–396; Drucker P., Heizer R. F. Gifts for the Jaguar God // National Geographic. - 1956. - Vol. CX, N. 3. - P. 366–375; Drucker P., Heizer R. F., Squire R. J. Excavation at La Venta, Tabasco // Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1959. - Bulletin 170. Первая рецензия на эту публикацию появилась в 1960 г. и принадлежала известнейшему специалисту по древним культурам Мезоамерики и Южной Америки Ричарду Стоктону МакНейшу; MacNeish R. S. Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955 [Review] // American Antiquity. - 1960. - Vol. 26, N. 2. - P. 296–297. - Review on book: Philip Drucker, Robert F. Heizer, and Robert J. Squire. Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955 // Bureau of American Ethnology. - 1959. - Bulletin 170. Рецензия была исключительно положительной.