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Кэтрин Стотхарт


Таблица 1. Резюме ключевых типов поведения

Таблица 2. Внешние проявления

Таблица 3. Внутренняя мотивация

Таблица 4. Развитие эмоционального интеллекта – самосознание

Таблица 5. Развитие эмоционального интеллекта – осознание других


Благодарности и вступление

1. Jung, C G (1923) Psychological Types

2. Keirsey, D and Bates, M (1978) Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types

3. Merrill, D W and Reid, R H (1991) Personal Styles and Effective Performance

4. Bolton, R and Bolton, D G (2009) People Styles at Work…. and Beyond

5. Marston, W M (1928) Emotions of Normal People

6. Geier, J and Downey, D (1989) Energetics of Personality, Personality Analysis

7. Vaillant, G, (2012) Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study

8. Berens, L (2011) Interaction Essentials: Three keys to effective relationships in the workplace and beyond

Chapter 1

1. Burkeman, O from an article in The Guardian newspaper 7 January 2016

2. Berens, L Understanding yourself and others: An Introduction to Interaction Styles 2.0

3. Goleman, D (1996) Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ

4. Gardner, H (1983) Frames of Mind

5. Ekman, P (1992) ‘Facial expression of emotion – new findings, new questions', Psychological Science

6. Salovey, P and Mayer, J D (1990) ‘Emotional Intelligence', Imagination, Cognition and Personality

7. Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2013) Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

8. De Waal, F (2009) The Age of Empathy; Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society

9. Newman, M (2014) Emotional Capitalists: The Ultimate Guide to Developing Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

10. Uwe Krueger on BBC Radio 4 ‘In the Balance – EI and Business', January 2014

11. Sigal Barsade, Professor of Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania on BBC Radio 4 as above

12. Mlodinow, L (2012) Subliminal: The New Unconscious and what it teaches us

13. Eagleman, D (2015) The Brain: The Story of You

14. Mlodinow, L (2012) Subliminal: The New Unconscious and what it teaches us

15. Adelson, E, Professor of Vision Science at MIT, 1995

16. McGurk, H and MacDonald, J (1976) ‘Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices', Nature 264

17. Berger, J (2016) Invisible Influence: the hidden forces that shape behaviour

18. Loftus, E (1999) ‘Lost in the mall: Misrepresentations and misunderstandings', Ethics & Behavior

19. Mlodinow, L (2012) Subliminal: The New Unconscious and what it teaches us

20. Eagleman, D (2015) The Brain: The Story of You

21. Mlodinow, L (2012) Subliminal: The New Unconscious and what it teaches us, p 104