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Ваши гены — еще не ваша судьба!

1. Diet reshaping genetic destiny: Wolff, George L. et al. “Maternal epigenetics and methyl supplements affect agouti gene expression in Avy/a mice”, The FASEB Journal, August 1998,

1. «Чистка» «грязных» генов

2. Toxins in air, water and food: “CAS REGISTRY — The gold standard for chemical substance information,” CAS: A Division of the American Chemical Society, Accessed April 2017,

3. We have about 20,000 genes: Ezkurdia, Iakes et al. “Multiple Evidence Strands Suggest That There May Be as Few as 19 000 Human Protein-Coding Genes,” Human Molecular Genetics, 16 June 2014,

4. More than 10 million known genetic polymorphisms (SNPs): “Genetics Home Reference: Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions,” US National Library of Medicine, 4 April 2017, .

5. Decreased risk of colon cancer: Xie, SZ. et al. “Association between the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and risk of cancer: evidence from 446 case-control studies,” Tumour Biology, 17 June 2015,


6. Increased risk of stomach cancer: Xie, SZ., Liu, ZZ., Yu, J. et al. “Association between the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and risk of cancer: evidence from 446 case-control studies,” Tumour Biology, 17 June 2015,


7. DAO’s can cause serious long-term problems: Wood, J D. “Histamine, Mast Cells, and the Enteric Nervous System in the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Enteritis, and Food Allergies,” Gut, April 2006, .

8. Newborn babies are born with over 200 chemicals in their bodies: “Body Burden: The Pollution of Newborns,” Environmental Working Group, 14 July 2005, .

9. Avoid the worst offenders: “EWG’s 2017 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce,” Environmental Working Group, April 2017, .

10. SNPs in the MTHFR can lead to focused and determination: Tsai, AJ et al. “Heterozygote advantage of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism on specific cognitive performance in elderly Chinese males without dementia,” Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 13 October 2011, .

2. Секреты генетики: чему вас не учили на уроках биологии

11. Genes that contribute to cancer: Tost, J. “DNA methylation: an introduction to the biology and the disease-associated changes of a promising biomarker,” Molecular Biotechnology, January 2010, .

12. Burning fat instead of storing it: Podlepa, EM, Gessler NN, Bykhovskiĭ, Via. “The effect of methylation on the carnitine synthesis,” Prikladaia Biokhimiia i Mikrobiolgiia, March-April 1990, .