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Todd, Benjamin Should You Do a Degree? // 80,000 Hours (blog), February 18, 2014, https://80000hours.org/2014/02/should-you-do-a-degree/.


Whittlestone, Jess Your Career Is Like a Startup // 80,000 Hours (blog), https://80000hours.org/2013/07/your-career-is-like-a-startup/. Эту идею независимо предложили один из основателей LinkedIn Рид Хоффман и предприниматель Бен Касноча. См.: Hoffman, Reid, and Ben Casnocha The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career. New York: Crown Business, 2012.


Ries, Eric The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. New York: Crown Business, 2011.


Carey, Ryan The Payoff and Probability of Obtaining Venture Capital // 80,000 Hours (blog), June 25, 2014, https://80000hours.org/2014/06/the-payoff-and-probability-of-obtaining-venture-capital/.


Беседа с К. Халквистом (июль 2014 г.).


Wohlsen, Marcus Tuition at Learn-to-Code Boot Camp is Free – Until You Get a Job // Wired, March 15, 2013.


Frey, Carl B., and Michael A. Osborne The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation? Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, September 17, 2013, http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/downloads/academic/The_Future_of_Employment.pdf.


Brooks, David The Way to Produce a Person // The New York Times, June 3, 2013.


Nordhaus, William D. Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement, NBER working paper no. 10433 (April 2004), 22.


World Bank Migration and Development Brief 23, October 2014, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPROSPECTS/Resources/334934–1288990760745/MigrationandDevelopmentBrief23.pdf. Официальная помощь развивающимся странам в 2013 г. составила 135 млрд долларов. См.: OECD Net Official Development Assistance from DAC and Other Donors in 2013: Preliminary Data for 2013, http://www.oecd.org/dac/stats/documentupload/ODA%202013 %20Tables%20and%2 °Charts%20En.pdf.


Даже если Wave переведет малую толику этих денег, они все равно принесут пользу, в скором времени снизив расценки конкурентов.


Lotka, Alfred J. The frequency distribution of scientific productivity // Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 16, no. 12 (June 19, 1926), 317–324.


Weissmann, Jordan How Many Ph. D.’s Actually Get to Become College Professors? // The Atlantic.com, February 23, 2013, http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/02/how-many-phds-actually-get-to-become-college-professors/273434/.


To Get a Job in Philosophy // Philosophy Smoker (blog), April 18, 2012, http://philosophysmoker.blogspot.com.ar/2012/04/to-get-job-in-philosophy.html.


Freeman, Richard B. It’s Better Being an Economist (But Don’t Tell Anyone) // Journal of Economic Perspectives 13, no. 3 (Summer 1999), 139–145.