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Алексей Федорович Лосев

P.Aubenque. Plotin et Dexippe, exegetes des Categories d'Aristote. - Melanges offerts a M.de Corte. Bruxelles - Liege, 1985, p. 7 - 40.

U.Bonanate. Orme ed enigmi nella filosofia di Plotino. Milano, 1985.

J.C.Fraisse. L'interiorite sans retrait. Lectures de Plotin. Paris, 1985.

C.L.Hancock. Energia in the Enneads of Plotinus. A reaction to Plato and Aristotle. Loyola Un. of Chicago, 1985. Diss.

A.Saget. The limit of the self in Plotinus. - Antichton, 1985, XIX, p. 96 - 101.


A.Meredith. Allegory in Porphyry and Gregory of Nyssa. - Studia Patristica, 16. Oxford, 1975, p. 423 - -427.

L.Brisson, M.O.Goulet-Gase, R.Goulet, D.O'Brien. Porphyre, La vie de Plotin. I.Travaux preliminaires et index grec complet. Paris, 1982.

A.Preus. Biological theory in Porphyry's De abstinentia. - Ancient Philosophy, 1983, 3, p. 149 - 159.

Porphyry. On the Cave of the Nymphs. Transl. with an introd. essay by R.Lamberton. New York, 1984.

B.Croke. The era of Porphyry's anti-Christian polemic. - Journal of Religious History, 1984, 13, p. 1 - 14.

A.Smith. Did Porphyry reject the transmigration of human souls into animals? - Rheinisches Museum, 1984, 127, p. 276 - 284.

C.Evangeliou. Aristotle's Doctrine of predicables and Porphyry's Isagoge. - Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1985, 23, p. 15 - 34.

P.Moraux. Porphyre, commentateur de la Physique d'Aristote. Melanges offerts a M.de Corte. Bruxelles - Liege, 1985, p. 227 - 239.


Giamblico. I misteri egiziani. Abbamone. Lettere a Porfirio. Intr., trad. e indici di A.R.Sodano. Milano, 1984.

M.T.Antonelli. La matematica delle idee e il problema della relazione in Giamblico. - Giornale di Metafisica, 1983, 5, p. 391 - 408.

J.F.Finamore. Iamblichus and the theory of the vehicle of the soul. New Brunswick Un., 1983. Diss.

J.Dillon. Speusippus in lamblichus. - Phronesis, 1984, 29, p. 325 - 332.

A.Marcone. L'imperatore Giuliano, Giamblico e il neoplatonismo - Rivista storica Italiana, 1984, 96, p. 1046 - 1052.

H.D.Saffrey. Quelques aspects de la spiritualite des philosophes neoplatoniciens. De Jamblique a Proclus et Damascius. - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques, 1984, 68, p. 169 - 182.


Proclus. The Platonic Theology, ed. R.Navon, Th.Taylor. New York, 1985 - 1986. vol. I - II.

Proclus. Sur la Premier Alcibiade de Platon. Texte etabli et traduit par A.P.Segonds. Paris, 1985 - 1986, vol. I - II.

Proclus. Commentary on Plato's Parmenides, ed. G.R.Morrow and J.Dillon. Princeton Un. Press, 1986.

Ibn At-Tayyib. Proclus' Commentary on the Pythagorean Golden verses, ed. et transl. by N.Linley. New York, 1985.

J.M.P.Lowry. The logical principles of Proclus Stoicheiosis theologice as systematic ground of the cosmos. - Elementa, XIII. Amsterdam, 1980.

A.D.R.Sheppard. Studies on Proclus' Commentary on the Republic. Gottingen, 1980 (Hypomnemata LXI).

Soul and the structure of Being in Late Neoplatonism. Syrianus, Proclus and Simplicius. Ed. by H.Blumenthal a. o. Liverpool, 1982.