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Алексей Федорович Лосев



H.Thesleff. Studies in Platonic Chronology. Helsinki, 1982.

W.J.Prior. Unity and Development in Plato's Metaphysics. London, 1985.

Der Platonismus in der Antike. Hrsg. van H.Dorrie. Stuttgart, 1987. Bd. 1.

C.J.De Vogel. Rethinking Plato and Platonism. Leiden, 1988.

Platonic Writings. Platonic Readings. Ed by Ch.Griswold. New York - London, 1988.


N.Sherman. The Fabric of Character. Aristotle's Theory of Virtue. Oxford, 1989.

A.W.Price. Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle. Oxford, 1989.


M.L.Colish. The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. Leiden, 1985, vol. I - II.

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H.W.Parke. Sibyls and Sibylline Prophecy in Classical Antiquity. London, 1988.


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H.Chadwick. Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition. Oxford, 1984.


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The Structure of Being. A Neoplatonic Approach. Ed. by R.B.Harris. New York, 1982.

A.C.Lloyd. The Anatomy of Neoplatonism. Oxford, 1989.


Plotinus. Enneades. Vol. III, ed. P.Henry and H.-R.Schwyzer. Oxford, 1982.

Plotinus. Enneades, ed A.H.Armstrong. Vol. IV - VII. London, 1984 - 1988.

J.C.Fraisse. La simplicite du Beau selon Plotin. - Cahiers du Centre George-Radet. Talence, Un. de Bordeaux III. 1980 - 1981, I, p. 60 - 80.

P.Boot. Plotinus' On Providence (Ennead III 2 - 3). Three interpretations. - Mnemosyne, 1983, 26, p. 311 - 315.

M.Lassegue. Note sur la signification de la notion d'image chez Plotin. - Revue de l'Enseignement philosophique, 1983, 33, N 6, p. 4 - 12.

J.Boulad Ayoub. L'image du centre et la notion de l'Un dans les Enneades. - Philosophiques, 1984, XI, p. 41 - 70.

R.Cels. Beaute interieure et theophanie. Meditation plotinienne. - Hommage a D.Coppieters de Gibson. Bruxelles, 1984, p. 103 - 123.

E.K.Emilsson. Plotinus on sense perception. A philosophical and historical study. Princeton, 1984. Diss.

G.Gurtler. Sympathy in Plotinus. - International philosophical Quarterly, 1984, 24, p. 395 - 406.

F.Hager. La societe comme intermediaire entre l'homme individuel et l'absolute chez Plotin. - Diotima, 1984, 12, p. 131 - 138.

M.Issandri Parente. Introduzione a Plotino. Roma - Bari, 1984.

J.Lounibos. Plotinus. Pagan, Mystic, Philosopher. Pagan and Christian anxiety. A responce to E.R.Dodds. Lanham, 1984, p. 131 - 166.

D.P.Taormina. Filosofia e magia in Plotino. - Momenti e problemi di storia del platonismo. Catania Un., 1984, p. 53 - 83.

P.Aubenque. Plotin et Dexippe, exegetes des Categories d'Aristote. - Melanges offerts a M.de Corte. Bruxelles - Liege, 1985, p. 7 - 40.

U.Bonanate. Orme ed enigmi nella filosofia di Plotino. Milano, 1985.