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Соня Шах

"Extract of a letter from New-York, dated July 19, 1832," The Liberator, July 28, 1832; Atkins, Reports of Hospital Physicians.


Atkins, Reports of Hospital Physicians.


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Philip Hone, The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828–1851 (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1910); John N. Ingham, Biographical Dictionary of American Business Leaders, vol. 1 (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing, 1983); Atkins, Reports of Hospital Physicians.


Atkins, Reports of Hospital Physicians.


Letter from Cornelia Laura Adams Tomlinson to Maria Annis Dayton and Cornelia Laura Tomlinson Weed, June 22, 1832, in "Genealogical Story (Dayton and Tomlinson)," told by Laura Dayton Fessenden (Cooperstown, NY: Crist, Scott & Parshall, 1902).


Autobiography of N. T. Hubbard: With Personal Reminiscences of New York City from 1798 to 1875 (New York: J. F. Trow & Son, 1875).


Rosenberg, The Cholera Years, 32.


Hone, The Diary of Philip Hone.


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Robbin Marks, "Cesspools of Shame: How Factory Farm Lagoons and Sprayfields Threaten Environmental and Public Health," Natural Resources Defense Council and the Clean Water Network, July 2001; Burkholder, "Impacts of Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations"; Wendee Nicole, "CAFOs and Environmental Justice: The Case of North Carolina," Environmental Health Perspectives 121, no. 6 (2013): a182–89.


Lee Bergquist and Kevin Crowe, "Manure Spills in 2013 the Highest in Seven Years Statewide," Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, Dec. 5, 2013; Peter T. Kilborn, "Hurricane Reveals Flaws in Farm Law," The New York Times, Oct. 17, 1999.


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