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Елена Александровна Мельникова


The Russian Primary Chronicle. P. 82.




Назаренко А. В. Древняя Русь. С. 311–338.


The Russian Primary Chronicle. P. 170.


A. Nazarenko argued that Jaropolk was the «rex rugorum» mentioned in «Genealogia Welfo-rum» who married one of the daughters of count Kuno of Eningen and a granddaughter of emperor Otto I. A. Nazarenko connected this remark with the information in Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld about a Russian embassy that came to Quedlinburg on the Easter of 973 (Назаренко А. В. Древняя Русь. С. 339–390; cf. Успенский Ф. Б. Скандинавы. Варяги. Русь. Историко-филологические очерки. М., 2002. С. 153–154) and suggested that Jaropolk being a Christian or willing to baptize sent an embassy to emperor Otto II asking for a new mission.

A short reign of Jaropolk who was murdered by the order of his younger brother Vladimir in 978 was practically unknown to the late eleventh-century annalists but for the tale about Vladimir’s advance to Kiev, the treason of Jaropolk’s commander-in-chief Blud (< Blddi?) who lured Jaropolk into a trap and the murder of Jaropolk by two Varangians. It must have been, however, a part of a tradition about Vladimir who appears to be the hero of the tale and not Jaropolk. In this context the information about Jaropolk being a Christian had very few chances to survive and to reach the annalists.


Васильев M.A. Язычество восточных славян. M., 1999; Петрухин В. Я. Древняя Русь: Народ. Князья, Религия // Из истории русской культуры. М., 2000. Т. 1: Древняя Русь. С. 257–261.


The fall of Jaropolk in 978 is sometimes explained by a pagan reaction to his attempt to introduce Christianity and his treacherous commander-in-chief is viewed as the head (or representative) of the heathen party. In this case Vladimir came to power on the wave of the pagan uprising (Назаренко А. В. Древняя Русь. С. 361).


On human sacrifices in the East-Slavic world see Карпов А. Ю. Владимир Святой. M., 1997. P. 142–145 and references.


A Baltic tribe.


In two early versions of the «Primary Chronicle», the «Hypatian Chronicle» and the «First Novgorod Chronicle» there is an important addition: «He secretly adhered to the Christian faith» (my italics. – E. M.).


The Russian Primary Chronicle. P. 95–96. Cf. Колесов В. В. Сказание о варяге и сыне его Иоанне // Русская речь. 1981. № 5. С. 101–107; Poutsko V. Les Martyrs varegues de Kiev (983) // Analecta Bollandiana. 1983. T. 101. P. 363–385.


It is common opinion that a legend about the two Varangian martyrs, if not their vita, was composed much earlier than the compilation of the «Primary Chronicle», probably several years after the Christianization of Rus’.


D.S. Likhachev called this narration «The saga of the initial spread of Christianity» (Лихачев Д. С. Комментарии. C. 326).



This name is repeated in several chronicles of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (Sofijska-ja I, Novgorodskaja IV, Voskresenskaja, Nikonovskaja, etc.). The Christian name of the father – Feodor – was attested for the first time much later, not earlier than in the seventeenth century and can’t be considered authentic.